1 Introduction
2 How Does Revit Look at Phasing
3 Creating Phases in Revit
4 Demolition
5 Demolishing System Families
6 Phasing Modeling Tops
7 Additional Construction
8 Organizing Views
9 Phasing and Rooms
10 Phasing Graphics
11 Phasing and Schedules
12 Phasing and Levels and Grids
13 Phasing Views on Sheets
14 Completing the Schedules
Exercise Files 2. Displacing Elements.zip
3. Creating Phases.zip
3. Nested Family Displacement.zip
4. Demolition.zip
4. Displacement Paths.zip
5. Demolishing System Families.zip
5. Displacement Presentation.zip
6. Phasing Modeling Tips.zip
7. Additional Construction.zip
8. Organizing views.zip
9. Rooms and Phasing.zip
10. Phasing Graphics.zip
11. Phasing and Schedules.zip
12. Phasing and levels and Grids.zip
13. Phasing Views on Sheets.zip