1. Introduction to Data Types
2. Bool Data type in C# Explanation in details
3. Int Data type in C#
4. sbyte, byte, short, ushort, int, uint, long, ulong Integral numeric types
5. IntPtr And UIntPtr Native sized integers in C#
6. Float, Double And Decimal
7. Character data type in C#
8. Introduction to String datatype in C#
9. Built-in String Methods in C# Length, SubString, Trim, Split, Replace, Remove
10. String Immutability with example in C#
11. String Mutability using StringBuilder class Everything you need to know
12. String Formatting in C# (String.Contact, String.Format And Interpolation)
13. 2 Ways to Search String in C#
14. Object Class type The parent of all other types
15. var vs dynamic keyword