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Flutter Redux Essential Course (English)

سرفصل های دوره

Learn and practice the concept of state management using Flutter Redux, a Flutter state management solution

1. Introduction
  • 1. Tutorial background and target audience
  • 2. Tutorial structure
  • 3. Tools used in tutorial

  • 2. Flutter Redux Overview
  • 1.1 whati_is_redux.pdf
  • 1. What is redux
  • 2.1 dart_counter_redux_app.pdf
  • 2.2 Source Code.html
  • 2. Dart Counter Redux App
  • 3.1 Source Code.html
  • 3.2 store_builder_ex.pdf
  • 3. StoreBuilder
  • 4.1 Source Code.html
  • 4.2 store_connector_ex.pdf
  • 4. Basics of StoreConnector
  • 5.1 Source Code.html
  • 5. StoreConnectors arguments (1)
  • 6.1 Source Code.html
  • 6.2 store_connector_options.pdf
  • 6. StoreConnectors arguments (2)
  • 7.1 combine_reducers_1.pdf
  • 7.2 Source Code.html
  • 7. Combining reducers (1)
  • 8.1 Source Code.html
  • 8.2 Source Code (Final).html
  • 8. Combining reducers (2)
  • 9.1 Source Code.html
  • 9. Combining reducers (3)
  • 10.1 Source Code.html
  • 10. Combining reducers (4)
  • 11.1 Source Code.html
  • 11. Combining reducers (5)
  • 12.1 Source Code.html
  • 12. Combining reducers (6)
  • 13.1 Source Code.html
  • 13.2 Source Code (Final).html
  • 13. Combining reducers (7)
  • 14.1 Source Code.html
  • 14. Dart Data Class
  • 15.1 dart_data_class_generator_equatable.pdf
  • 15.2 Source Code.html
  • 15. Dart Data Class Generator and Equatable
  • 16.1 distinct_one.pdf
  • 16.2 Source Code.html
  • 16. Performance Optimization (1) - primitive type state
  • 17.1 Source Code.html
  • 17. Performance Optimization (2) - primitive type state
  • 18.1 Source Code.html
  • 18. Performance Optimization (3) - class type state
  • 19.1 distinct_three_starter_code.zip
  • 19. Performance Optimization (4) - caution
  • 20. Performance Optimization (5) - caution
  • 21.1 Source Code.html
  • 21. Performance Optimization (6) - caution
  • 22.1 distinct_true_starter_code.zip
  • 22.2 on_did_change.pdf
  • 22.3 Source Code.html
  • 22. Performance Optimization (7) - importance of distinct option
  • 23.1 Source Code.html
  • 23. Performance Optimization (8) - importance of distinct optioin
  • 24.1 middleware_background.pdf
  • 24. Middleware (1) - background
  • 25.1 redux_middleware_starter_code.zip
  • 25.2 Source Code (Product Model).html
  • 25. Middleware (2) - app skeleton, product model
  • 26.1 Source Code (Product Repository).html
  • 26. Middleware (3) - ProductRepository
  • 27.1 Source Code (Products state and action).html
  • 27. Middleware (4) - Products state and action
  • 28.1 Source Code (Products reducer, middleware).html
  • 28. Middleware (5) - Products reducer, middleware
  • 29.1 Source Code (Product state, action, reducer, middleware).html
  • 29. Middleware (6) - Product state, action, reducer, middleware
  • 30.1 Source Code (ProductsPage).html
  • 30. Middleware (7) - ProductsPage
  • 31.1 Source Code (ProductPage).html
  • 31. Middleware (8) - ProductPage
  • 32.1 Source Code (productInfoMiddleware).html
  • 32. Middleware (9) - productInfoMiddleware
  • 33.1 redux_thunk.pdf
  • 33. Middleware (10) - redux_thunk
  • 34.1 Source Code (refactoring using redux_thunk).html
  • 34. Middleware (11) - refactoring using redux_thunk
  • 35.1 persisting_state_intro.pdf
  • 35.2 redux_persist_example_starter.zip
  • 35.3 Source Code (Final).html
  • 35.4 Source Code (starter).html
  • 35. Persisting State (1) - Introduction
  • 36.1 persisting_state_background.pdf
  • 36. Persisting State (2) - Background
  • 37.1 Source Code (Quote Model).html
  • 37. Persisting State (3) - Quote Model
  • 38.1 Source Code (Counter state, action, reducer).html
  • 38. Persisting State (4) - Counter state, action, reducer
  • 39.1 Source Code (Setup persistor).html
  • 39. Persisting State (5) - Setting up persistor
  • 40.1 Source Code (Quote state).html
  • 40. Persisting State (6) - Quote state
  • 41.1 Source Code (Quote action, reducer).html
  • 41. Persisting State (7) - Quote action, reducer
  • 42.1 Source Code (Final).html
  • 42.2 Source Code (UI).html
  • 42. Persisting State (8) - UI

  • 3. TODO App
  • 1.1 todo_redux_01.pdf
  • 1. TODO App Overview
  • 2.1 todo_redux_02.pdf
  • 2. TODO App Structure
  • 3.1 Source Code (app starter).html
  • 3.2 Source Code (Final).html
  • 3.3 todo_redux_03.pdf
  • 3.4 todo_redux_starter.zip
  • 3. Packages, folders and app skeleton
  • 4.1 Source Code (Todo model).html
  • 4. Todo model and TodoFilter enum
  • 5.1 Source Code (TodoFilter related state, action, reducer).html
  • 5. TodoFilter related state, action and reducer
  • 6.1 Source Code (TodoSearch related state, action, reducer).html
  • 6. TodoSearch related state, action and reducer
  • 7.1 Source Code (TodoList related state, action, reducer).html
  • 7. TodoList related state, action and reducers
  • 8.1 Source Code (App state, reducer and injecting store into widget tree).html
  • 8. App wide state and App wide reducer
  • 9.1 Source Code (TodoHeader).html
  • 9. TodoHeader widget and ViewModel
  • 10.1 Source Code (NewTodo).html
  • 10. NewTodo widget and ViewModel
  • 11.1 Source Code (SearchTodo).html
  • 11. SearchTodo widget and ViewModel
  • 12.1 Source Code (FilterTodo).html
  • 12. FilterTodo widget and ViewModel
  • 13.1 Source Code (ShowTodos 1).html
  • 13. ShowTodos widget and ViewModel (1)
  • 14.1 Source Code (ShowTodos 2).html
  • 14. ShowTodos widget and ViewModel (2)
  • 15.1 Source Code (TodoItem 1).html
  • 15. TodoItem widget and ViewModel (1)
  • 16.1 Source Code (TodoItem 2).html
  • 16. TodoItem widget and ViewModel (2)
  • 17.1 Source Code (Final).html
  • 17.2 Source Code (Reducing search volumes).html
  • 17. Reducing search volumes

  • 4. TODO App (sqflite Database)
  • 1.1 Source Code (Final).html
  • 1.2 Source Code (initial).html
  • 1.3 Source Code (middleware, constants).html
  • 1.4 todo_redux_sqflite_starter.zip
  • 1. App setup
  • 2.1 Source Code (Todo model, CustomError model).html
  • 2. Todo Model, CustomError Model
  • 3.1 Source Code (TodosDB, database access layer 1).html
  • 3. TodosDB, database access layer (1)
  • 4.1 Source Code (TodosDB, database access layer 2).html
  • 4. TodosDB, database access layer (2)
  • 5.1 Source Code (TodosRepository, repository layer).html
  • 5.2 todos_repository.pdf
  • 5. TodosRepository, repository layer
  • 6.1 Source Code (Modified TodoListState).html
  • 6. TodoListState
  • 7.1 Source Code (GetTodoList related actions and reducers).html
  • 7. GetTodoList related actions and reducers
  • 8.1 Source Code (AddTodo related actions and reducers).html
  • 8. AddTodo related actions and reducers
  • 9.1 Source Code (ToggleTodo related actions and reducers, add TypedReducer).html
  • 9. ToggleTodo related actions and reducers
  • 10.1 Source Code (EditTodo related actions and reducers).html
  • 10. EditTodo related actions and reducers
  • 11.1 Source Code (DeleteTodo related actions and reducers).html
  • 11. DeleteTodo related actions and reducers
  • 12.1 Source Code (NewTodo, ShowTodos, TodoItem widgets).html
  • 12. NewTodo, ShowTodos, TodoItem widgets
  • 13.1 Source Code (TodosPage).html
  • 13. TodosPage
  • 14.1 Source Code (errorDialog and Test).html
  • 14. errorDialog and Test
  • 15.1 Source Code (Final).html
  • 15.2 Source Code (Optimistic rendering).html
  • 15. Optimistic rendering

  • 5. Weather App
  • 1.1 weather_overview_01.pdf
  • 1. Weather App Overview (1)
  • 2.1 weather_overview_02.pdf
  • 2. Weather App Overview (2)
  • 3.1 Source Code (Final).html
  • 3.2 Weather App Starter Code.html
  • 3. Packages, folder structure, page skeletons
  • 4.1 Source Code (App Models).html
  • 4. Models
  • 5.1 Source Code (WeatherApiServices 1).html
  • 5. WeatherApiServices (1)
  • 6.1 Source Code (WeatherApiServices 2).html
  • 6. WeatherApiServices (2)
  • 7.1 Source Code (WeatherRepository).html
  • 7. WeatherRepository
  • 8.1 Source Code (Weather state and action).html
  • 8. Weather state and action
  • 9.1 Source Code (Weather reducer, setting DI).html
  • 9. Weather reducer, dependency injection
  • 10.1 Source Code (SearchPage).html
  • 10. SearchPage
  • 11.1 Source Code (HomePage 1 - ViewModel).html
  • 11. HomePage (1) - ViewModel
  • 12.1 Source Code (HomePage 2 - initial, loading, error).html
  • 12. HomePage (2) - initial, loading, error
  • 13.1 Source Code (HomePage 3 - name, updated time, temperature).html
  • 13. HomePage (3) - name, updated time, temperature
  • 14.1 Source Code (HomePage 4 - Weather Information).html
  • 14.2 weather icons.pdf
  • 14. HomePage (4) - Weather information
  • 15.1 Source Code (TempSettings state, action, reducer).html
  • 15. TempSettings related state, action, reducer
  • 16.1 Source Code (Applying TempSettings to SettingsPage and HomePage).html
  • 16. Applying TempSettings to SettingsPage and HomePage
  • 17.1 Source Code (Changing app theme according to current temperature).html
  • 17.2 Source Code (Final).html
  • 17. Changing app theme according to current temperature

  • 6. Firebase Authentication App
  • 1.1 fb_auth_app_overview.pdf
  • 1. App Overview
  • 2.1 fb_project_setup.pdf
  • 2. Firebase project setup
  • 3.1 additional_fb_project_setup.pdf
  • 3. Additional firebase project setup
  • 4.1 Source Code (Final).html
  • 4.2 Source Code (Initial, models and constants).html
  • 4. App models
  • 5. App folder structure
  • 6.1 Source Code (AuthRepository 1).html
  • 6. AuthRepository (1)
  • 7.1 Source Code (AuthRepository 2).html
  • 7. AuthRepository (2)
  • 8.1 auth_flow.pdf
  • 8.2 Source Code (SplashPage).html
  • 8. Auth flow and SplashPage
  • 9.1 Source Code (Signup state, action, reducer, inject store into widget tree).html
  • 9. Signup state, action, reducer
  • 10.1 Source Code (SignupPage, UI).html
  • 10. SignupPage
  • 11.1 Source Code (Signup ViewModel, signOut function in HomePage).html
  • 11. Signup ViewModel, sign out
  • 12.1 Source Code (errorDialog).html
  • 12. errorDialog
  • 13.1 Source Code (Signin state, action, reducer).html
  • 13. Signin state, action, reducer
  • 14.1 Source Code (SigninPage, ViewModel).html
  • 14. SigninPage, ViewModel
  • 15.1 email_verification_flow.pdf
  • 15.2 Source Code (Verify Email).html
  • 15. Verify Email
  • 16.1 Source Code (ResetPassword state, action, reducer).html
  • 16. Reset Password state, action, reducer
  • 17.1 Source Code (ResetPasswordPage, ViewModel).html
  • 17. ResetPasswordPage, ViewModel
  • 18.1 Source Code (ProfileRepository).html
  • 18. ProfileRepository
  • 19.1 Source Code (Profile state, action, reducer).html
  • 19. Profile state, action, reducer
  • 20.1 Source Code (HomePage).html
  • 20. HomePage
  • 21.1 security_sensitive_operation.pdf
  • 21.2 Source Code (ChangePassword state, action, reducer).html
  • 21. Change Password state, action, reducer
  • 22.1 Source Code (ChangePasswordPage).html
  • 22. ChangePasswordPage, ViewModel
  • 23.1 Source Code (Final).html
  • 23.2 Source Code (requires-recent-login).html
  • 23. Reauthenticate
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