در حال حاضر محصولی در سبد خرید شما وجود ندارد.
One of the reasons that WordPress is so popular is that there are a vast number of hosting options. Some cost pennies a month, some cost hundreds or thousands of dollars. Besides cost, the features of each WordPress host vary enormously—different levels of security, backup services, and other WordPress-specific features may be offered. So how do you know which companies, offers, and features are right for your site? In this course, Joe Casabona helps you navigate the increasingly complex options for WordPress hosting, explaining how to evaluate your needs and how to purchase hosting. He starts with the important core question—what is hosting?—and then runs down critical hosting features. Joe details the different features you may look for if you’re hosting a blog, ecommerce site, membership site, or a mostly static site, and also offers advice on what you should do when hosting multiple sites.
در این روش نیاز به افزودن محصول به سبد خرید و تکمیل اطلاعات نیست و شما پس از وارد کردن ایمیل خود و طی کردن مراحل پرداخت لینک های دریافت محصولات را در ایمیل خود دریافت خواهید کرد.
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