01.1 More about DS18B20, LM35, DHT11, DHT22 and non-contact IR temperature sensors..html
01.2 More about thermistors..html
01.3 More about thermocouple..html
01. Types of temperature sensors
02.1 More about voltage divider.html
02.2 temp_ntc_uno_single_reading.zip
02. Measuring temperature with thermistor using Arduino Uno
03.1 More about Potentiometer.html
03.2 More about Potentiometer and Trimmer.html
03.3 temp_ntc_uno_average.zip
03. Measuring T with thermistor using Arduino Uno Adding calibration
04.1 More about SPI communication.html
04.2 temp_ntc_sd_uno.zip
04. Adding SD card Making T data logger using Arduino Uno
05.1 temp_ntc_esp32.zip
05. Moving to ESP32 Measuring T with thermistor using ESP32
06.1 temp_ntc_esp3_sd_appendfileonly.zip
06.2 temp_ntc_esp3_sd.zip
06. Making temperature data logger using ESP32 and SD card
07.1 temp_ntc_esp32_sd_gsheet_appsacript.zip
07. Adding IoT Recording data in Google sheet
08.1 temp_ntc_ds18b20_esp32_sd_gsheet.zip
08. Measuring T with DS18B20 digital T sensor using ESP32
09.1 temp_ntc_ds18b20_esp32_sd_gsheet_calibration.zip
09. Calibrating thermistor with DS18B20 sensor and ESP32
10.1 temp_ntc_ds18b20_esp32_sd_gsheet_oled.zip
10. Adding display (OLED) to your project
11.1 temp_ntc_ds18b20_esp32_sd_gsheet_oled_cooling_rtc.zip
11. Adding the real time and date to your project working with RTC module