10 - Design a Home Alarm System Verilog Stepby step Instructions
10 - project files and code.zip
11 - Design a Car Parking Slot System Verilog StepbyStep Instructions
12 - Design a Digital Safe System Verilog StepbyStep Instructions
13 - LFSR Counter Verilog StepbyStep Instructions
13 - project files and code.zip
14 - Part 1 UARTTxD Serial Communication Verilog StepbyStep Instructions
14 - project files and code.zip
15 - Part 2 UARTRxD Serial Communication StepbyStep Instructions
15 - project files and code.zip
16 - Scrolling LEDs DIY Billboard Display Verilog StepbyStep Instructions
16 - project files and code.zip
17 - T20 Cricket Game onto an FPGA Board Verilog StepbyStep Instructions
17 - project files and code.zip
18 - WhackaMole Game Verilog StepbyStep Instructions
18 - project files and code.zip
19 - Vending Machine Verilog StepbyStep Instructions
19 - project files and code.zip