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Designing APIs with Swagger and OpenAPI, Video Edition

سرفصل های دوره
  • 001. Part 1 Describing APIs
  • 002. Chapter 1. Introducing APIs and OpenAPI
  • 003. Chapter 1. Where do OpenAPI definitions fit in
  • 004. Chapter 1. When to use OpenAPI
  • 005. Chapter 2. Getting set up to make API requests
  • 006. Chapter 2. Adding a review to the FarmStall API
  • 007. Chapter 3. Our first taste of OpenAPI definitions
  • 008. Chapter 4. Using Swagger Editor to write OpenAPI definitions
  • 009. Chapter 4. Writing in Swagger Editor
  • 010. Chapter 5. Describing API responses
  • 011. Chapter 5. Status codes
  • 012. Chapter 5. Describing message, uuid, and userId
  • 013. Chapter 6. Creating resources
  • 014. Chapter 6. Adding examples to make try-it-out look pretty
  • 015. Chapter 7. Adding authentication and authorization
  • 016. Chapter 7. Adding the Authorization header
  • 017. Chapter 8. Preparing and hosting API documentation
  • 018. Chapter 8. Markdown basics
  • 019. Chapter 8. Hosting our API documentation using Netlify.com and Swagger UI
  • 020. Part 2 Design-first
  • 021. Chapter 9. Designing a web application
  • 022. Chapter 9. Domain modeling and APIs
  • 023. Chapter 9. The Job and Dog models
  • 024. Chapter 9. Mapping user stories
  • 025. Chapter 10. Creating an API design using OpenAPI
  • 026. Chapter 10. Creating the schemas
  • 027. Chapter 10. The CRUD approach to API operations
  • 028. Chapter 10. API operations for PetSitter
  • 029. Chapter 10. JobApplication operations
  • 030. Chapter 11. Building a change workflow around API design-first
  • 031. Chapter 11. GitHub as our workflow engine
  • 032. Chapter 11. Steps in our GitHub workflow
  • 033. Chapter 12. Implementing frontend code and reacting to changes
  • 034. Chapter 12. Adding multiple examples into your OpenAPI definition
  • 035. Chapter 12. Choosing which mock data response to get from Prism
  • 036. Chapter 13. Building a backend with Node.js and Swagger Codegen
  • 037. Chapter 13. Investigating the structure
  • 038. Chapter 13. Tagging API operations
  • 039. Chapter 13. Testing input validation
  • 040. Chapter 13. Configuring Mongoose in the project
  • 041. Chapter 14. Integrating and releasing the web application
  • 042. Chapter 14. Implementing authorization
  • 043. Chapter 14. Managing repositories
  • 044. Chapter 14. Server setup
  • 045. Part 3 Extending APIs
  • 046. Chapter 15. Designing the next API iteration
  • 047. Chapter 15. Preparing for new features
  • 048. Chapter 15. Reviewing user stories
  • 049. Chapter 15. Improving the developer experience
  • 050. Chapter 15. Input validation
  • 051. Chapter 16. Designing schemas with composition in OpenAPI
  • 052. Chapter 16. Polymorphism and inheritance in domain models
  • 053. Chapter 16. Polymorphism and inheritance in OpenAPI
  • 054. Chapter 16. Adding discriminators in OpenAPI
  • 055. Chapter 17. Scaling collection endpoints with filters and pagination
  • 056. Chapter 17. Designing filters
  • 057. Chapter 17. Handling nested schemas
  • 058. Chapter 17. Finding filter fields
  • 059. Chapter 17. Adding filters to OpenAPI
  • 060. Chapter 17. Offset-based and page-based pagination
  • 061. Chapter 17. Pagination for PetSitter
  • 062. Chapter 17. Multifield sorting
  • 063. Chapter 18. Supporting the unhappy path Error handling with problem+json
  • 064. Chapter 18. Finding unhappy paths
  • 065. Chapter 18. Requirements for error responses
  • 066. Chapter 18. The problem+json format
  • 067. Chapter 18. Error-handling guidance
  • 068. Chapter 19. Improving input validation with advanced JSON Schema
  • 069. Chapter 19. Enforcing number constraints
  • 070. Chapter 19. Updating PetSitter schemas
  • 071. Chapter 20. Versioning an API and handling breaking changes
  • 072. Chapter 20. Multiple API versions
  • 073. Chapter 20. Using media types to version operations
  • 074. Chapter 21. The API prerelease checklist
  • 075. Chapter 21. End-to-end testing
  • 076. Chapter 21. Getting your API consistent
  • 077. Chapter 21. Getting a change strategy
  • 078. Appendix A. Swagger 2.0, OpenAPI 3.0, and OpenAPI 3.1
  • 079. Appendix A. Components and structure
  • 53,700 تومان
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    شناسه: 29520
    حجم: 11952 مگابایت
    مدت زمان: 701 دقیقه
    تاریخ انتشار: 2 اسفند 1402
    طراحی سایت و خدمات سئو

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