1.1 9-Creating-Chat-page-and-display-the-bots.zip
1. Creating Chat page and display the bots
2.1 10-Creating-a-Method-To-get-Bot-data-and-display-Welcome-Message-in-the-Chat.zip
2. Creating a Method To get Bot data
3.1 12-Creating-method- to-display-chat-messages.zip
3. Creating a method to display chat messages
4.1 11-creating-new-table-for-chat.zip
4. Creating New Table for Chat
5.1 13-creating-js-function-to-check-if-user-typed-in-text-input.zip
5. Creating js function to check if user typed in text input
6.1 14-creating-method-to-send-ajax-request.zip
6. Creating Method to send Ajax Request
7.1 15-creating-method-to-request-ajax-request.zip
7. Creating Method to Store Messages In the Database