14 - API LINK.txt
14 - Explain the API documentation and test it using Postman
15 - 7.1API-GetModels.zip
15 - Write a Function to get the model repsonse
15 - code for this lecture on github.zip
16 - 7.2.APIgetModelsClassErrorHandling.zip
16 - Implement the Models model classenhance the previous function Errors Handling
16 - code for this lecture on github.zip
17 - 7.3-Display-models.zip
17 - Start displaying the all Models using FutureBuilder
17 - code for this lecture on github.zip
18 - 7.4-ModelsProvider.zip
18 - Implement the Models provider
18 - code for this lecture on github.zip
19 - 7.5-ChatModelANDSendMessages.zip
19 - Implement the chats model and allow the user to send a message
19 - code for this lecture on github.zip
20 - 7.6.DisplayChat.zip
20 - Start displaying the sentreceived chats on screen
20 - code for this lecture on github.zip
21 - 8.ScrollListToEnd.zip
21 - Scroll the chat List to the end
21 - code for this lecture on github.zip
22 - Animate the bot response like chatGPT
23 - 9.chatProvider.zip
23 - Implement the Chat Provider
23 - code for this lecture on github.zip
24 - 10.Show-errors.zip
24 - Show the error and not allow the user to send an empty message
24 - code for this lecture on github.zip