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Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS) Made Easy: Updated April 2023

سرفصل های دوره

A Comprehensive and Practical Course: Containers, K8s, Networking, Security, Scaling, Storage, Monitoring, HA and others

1. Introduction
  • 1. Introduction about instructor and course
  • 2. Good to have Recommended background
  • 3. Connect with me.html

  • 2. Understanding containers
  • 1. What is a container and how is it different from a VM
  • 2. Microservices architecture
  • 3.1 Install Docker Engine.html
  • 3. What are Docker, Dockerfile and Docker Hub
  • 4.1 commands, Dockerfile, index.zip
  • 4. Creating our first container app (web app), pushing it to Docker Hub and running
  • 5.1 commands, Dockerfile, script.zip
  • 5. Create our 2nd container app (troubleshooting app), push it to DHub and run it
  • 6. Understanding why we need a container orchestrator, like Kubernetes

  • 3. What is Kubernetes
  • 1. Introduction to Kubernetes
  • 2. Kubernetes architecture
  • 3. Self-managed vs Cloud-managed Kubernetes cluster

  • 4. Starting with Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS)
  • 1. What is Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS)
  • 2.1 AKS pricing.html
  • 2.2 AKS pricing calculator.html
  • 2.3 Azure Free Account.html
  • 2. Azure pricing, free account and AKS cost
  • 3. Lets create our first AKS cluster
  • 4. Install CLI, explore Azure Cloud Shell, connect to the cluster
  • 5. aks-preview extension and feature registration
  • 6. Making our life easier with autocompletion, alias, Kubernetes and AKS extension
  • 7. Imperative and declarative approaches
  • 8.1 resources.zip
  • 8. Practice with Nodes, Pod, Deployment, Replicaset, DaemonSet, Service, Secret, CM
  • 9. Understanding our CIDRs
  • 10. What is a node pool
  • 11.1 Connect to AKS nodes.html
  • 11.2 kubectl node-shell.html
  • 11. Connect to AKS nodes - quick demo
  • 12. Exploring the AKS cluster - Kubernetes side
  • 13. kubelet
  • 14. containerd
  • 15. azure-ip-masq-agent
  • 16. cloud-node-manager
  • 17.1 Enable DNS query logging.html
  • 17. coredns
  • 18. coredns-autoscaler
  • 19. CSI
  • 20. konnectivity
  • 21. kube-proxy
  • 22. metrics-server
  • 23. Exploring the AKS cluster - Azure infrastructure side
  • 24. Virtual Machine Scale Set (VMSS)
  • 25. Virtual Network (VNET) and Subnet (SNET)
  • 26. Network Security Group (NSG)
  • 27. Route Table (RT)
  • 28. Load Balancer (LB) and Public IP (PIP)
  • 29. Managed Identity (MI)
  • 30.1 AKS support policies.html
  • 30.2 Note about blocking internal subnet traffic.html
  • 30.3 Note about managing Azure Load Balancer.html
  • 30. Important notes about AKS support policy
  • 31.1 Stop and Start feature.html
  • 31. Stop and Start feature
  • 32. About kubeconfig and how to work with multiple AKS clusters
  • 33. Starting with AKS - Quiz.html

  • 5. Working with node pools and nodes
  • 1. VM types VMSS (Scale Set) vs VMAS (Availability Set)
  • 2.1 System and User types.html
  • 2. Understanding System and User node pool types
  • 3.1 Connect to AKS nodes.html
  • 3.2 kubectl node-shell.html
  • 3. Connect to AKS nodes - using helper pod
  • 4. Connect to AKS nodes - via SSH using Azure Bastion
  • 5. Connect to AKS nodes - via SSH using a pod
  • 6.1 az vmss run-command invoke.html
  • 6.2 az vmss run-command invoke docs and restrictions.html
  • 6. Connect to AKS nodes - run-command invoke
  • 7. Nodes Operating Systems is AKS
  • 8.1 Mariner OS in AKS.html
  • 8. Node pool with Mariner OS
  • 9.1 Other ways to connect to AKS Windows nodes.html
  • 9. Create Windows node pool and connect to nodes
  • 10. Schedule pods on specific node pools or specific OS type nodes
  • 11.1 Customize node configuration using az aks parameters.html
  • 11. Customize node configuration using az aks parameters
  • 12.1 modify-vm-max-map-count.zip
  • 12. Customize node configuration using DaemonSet
  • 13.1 Ephemeral OS in AKS.html
  • 13.2 More about Ephemeral OS at Azure level.html
  • 13. OS disk types
  • 14.1 Default OS disk sizes.html
  • 14. Default OS disk sizes
  • 15.1 Spot node pools.html
  • 15. Spot node pools
  • 16.1 GPU node pools.html
  • 16. GPU node pools
  • 17.1 Node pool snapshot.html
  • 17. Node pool snapshot
  • 18.1 Resize a node pool.html
  • 18. Resize a node pool
  • 19. Working with node pools and nodes - Quiz.html

  • 6. Networking in AKS
  • 1.1 kubenet basics.html
  • 1.2 kubenet with own IP address ranges.html
  • 1. Kubenet network plugin
  • 2.1 Azure CNI basics.html
  • 2.2 Configure Azure CNI.html
  • 2. Azure CNI network plugin
  • 3.1 Azure CNI overlay.html
  • 3. Azure CNI overlay network plugin
  • 4. Network plugins comparison
  • 5. Bring your own VNETsubnet, NSG and Route Table in AKS
  • 6.1 Public LoadBalancer in AKS.html
  • 6. A deeper look into LoadBalancer Service in AKS
  • 7.1 A custom network security group blocks traffic.html
  • 7. Consideration when multiple NSGs are used
  • 8.1 Internal Load Balancer.html
  • 8. Kubernetes Internal Load Balancer
  • 9.1 VNET peering.html
  • 9. Understand VNET Peering
  • 10.1 About SNAT in Azure.html
  • 10. SNAT in Azure
  • 11.1 Outbound types.html
  • 11. Outbound types Load Balancer, NAT Gateway and UserDefinedRouting (UDR)
  • 12.1 AKS with NAT Gateway.html
  • 12. Create AKS with NAT Gateway
  • 13.1 Considerations when restricting egress and how to use configure UDR with Azure Firewall.html
  • 13.2 Use Azure Firewall.html
  • 13. Create AKS with UDR and Azure Firewall
  • 14. Network in AKS - quiz.html

  • 7. Types of clusters in relation to control plane access
  • 1. Types of clusters in relation to control plane access
  • 2. Explore public AKS cluster
  • 3.1 AKS with API Server VNET Integration.html
  • 3. Create public AKS cluster with VNET integration
  • 4.1 API server authorized IP ranges feature.html
  • 4. API server authorized IP ranges
  • 5.1 AKS with API server VNET Integration.html
  • 5.2 Private AKS.html
  • 5. Create and connect to general and VNET integration private AKS cluster
  • 6.1 az aks invoke command.html
  • 6. az aks invoke command
  • 7. Run kubectl commands from worker nodes
  • 8. Types of clusters in relation to control plane access - Quiz.html

  • 8. AKS-managed Active Directory integration
  • 1.1 AKS-managed AAD integration.html
  • 1. Understanding AKS-managed AAD integration with Azure RBAC and Kubernetes RBAC
  • 2. Prepare the environment for Azure RBAC
  • 3.1 Practice Azure RBAC.html
  • 3. Practice Azure RBAC
  • 4.1 Custom role.html
  • 4. Use custom role with Azure RBAC
  • 5. Prepare the environment for Kubernetes RBAC
  • 6.1 Practice Kubernetes RBAC.html
  • 6. Practice Kubernetes RBAC
  • 7.1 Local accounts.html
  • 7. Local accounts
  • 8. AKS-managed Active Directory integration quiz.html

  • 9. Security and identities in AKS
  • 1.1 Managed Identity.html
  • 1.2 Service Principal.html
  • 1. Identities in AKS
  • 2.1 Rotate and update service principal in AKS.html
  • 2.2 Service Principal.html
  • 2. Create an AKS cluster with service principal
  • 3.1 Certificates in AKS.html
  • 3. Certificate rotation
  • 4.1 Network policies in AKS.html
  • 4. Network policies in AKS
  • 5.1 Azure Key Vault Provider for Secrets Store CSI Driver.html
  • 5. Azure Key Vault Provider for Secrets Store CSI Drive
  • 6.1 Autorotation.html
  • 6. Use autorotation for Azure Key Vault Secret Provider add-on
  • 7.1 Azure Policy for Kubernetes.html
  • 7. Azure Policy for Kubernetes
  • 8.1 Container Alerts.html
  • 8.2 Container recommendations.html
  • 8.3 Defender for Containers Architecture.html
  • 8.4 Enable Defender Profile.html
  • 8.5 Feature availability.html
  • 8.6 Hardening.html
  • 8.7 Runtime protection.html
  • 8. Microsoft Defender for Containers in AKS
  • 9.1 AppArmor in AKS.html
  • 9. AppArmor in AKS
  • 10.1 Seccomp in AKS.html
  • 10. Seccomp in AKS
  • 11. Security and identities in AKS - Quiz.html

  • 10. Scaling in AKS
  • 1.1 Resource reservations in AKS.html
  • 1. Understand resource reservations
  • 2.1 kubectl scale command.html
  • 2.2 Manually scale nodes.html
  • 2. Manually scale pod replicas and node count
  • 3.1 Scale-down Modes.html
  • 3. Stopdeallocate nodes with Scale-down mode
  • 4.1 HPA Walkthrough.html
  • 4. Horizontal Pod Autoscaler (HPA)
  • 5.1 VPA in AKS.html
  • 5. Vertical Pod Autoscaler (VPA)
  • 6.1 Autoscaler in AKS.html
  • 6. Cluster Autoscaler (CAS)
  • 7.1 Virtual nodes add-on.html
  • 7. Virtual nodes add-on for AKS
  • 8.1 KEDA in AKS.html
  • 8. KEDA in AKS
  • 9. Scaling in AKS - Quiz.html

  • 11. Storage in AKS
  • 1.1 Storage options in AKS.html
  • 1. Exploring the storage options in AKS
  • 2.1 Dynamically create Azure Disk.html
  • 2. Dynamically create Azure Disk
  • 3.1 Volume snapshots.html
  • 3. Create snapshot and restore Azure Disk
  • 4.1 Resize Azure Disk.html
  • 4. Resize Azure Disk
  • 5.1 Statically create Azure File.html
  • 5. Statically create Azure File
  • 6.1 Create a custom storage class.html
  • 6. Use a custom StorageClass to create Azure File with private endpoint and GRS
  • 7.1 Use a StatefulSet to dynamically create Azure Blob.html
  • 7. Use a StatefulSet to dynamically create Azure Blob
  • 8. Storage in AKS - Quiz.html

  • 12. Monitor and troubleshoot AKS
  • 1. Activity logs
  • 2.1 AKS diagnostics.html
  • 2. Diagnose and solve problems and Ask Genie
  • 3.1 Azure Status.html
  • 3. Resource Health and Azure Status
  • 4. Azure Advisor
  • 5. Metrics explorer for AKS
  • 6. Metrics explorer for AKS related resources
  • 7.1 Enable Container Insights in AKS.html
  • 7. Azure Monitor with Container Insights in AKS
  • 8.1 Container Insights overview.html
  • 8. Explore Insights
  • 9. Explore Workbooks
  • 10. Explore Logs
  • 11. Understanding Alerts
  • 12.1 Metric alert rules.html
  • 12. Create out-of-the-box Alert
  • 13. Create custom Alert
  • 14. Diagnostics settings in AKS
  • 15.1 Collect Prometheus metrics from AKS cluster.html
  • 15.2 Collect Prometheus metrics with Container insights.html
  • 15. Monitor AKS with managed Prometheus and Grafana
  • 16. Monitor and troubleshoot AKS - Quiz.html

  • 13. Upgrade an AKS cluster
  • 1.1 AKS release notes.html
  • 1.2 Supported Kubernetes versions in AKS.html
  • 1.3 Upgrade AKS.html
  • 1. Understanding K8s version, node image, the upgrade and why we need to upgrade
  • 2.1 Auto-upgrade Feature.html
  • 2. Auto-upgrade Feature
  • 3.1 Planned Maintenance Feature.html
  • 3. Planned Maintenance Feature
  • 4. What to check to prevent an upgrade failure
  • 5. Performing a Kubernetes version upgrade - All at once
  • 6. Performing a Kubernetes version upgrade - Blue green
  • 7. Performing a node image upgrade
  • 8. Upgrade an AKS cluster - Quiz.html

  • 14. Integrate AKS with Azure Container Registry (ACR)
  • 1. What is Azure Container Registry (ACR) and how the integration works
  • 2. Create ACR and pushimport our apps to it
  • 3.1 AzureRBAC method.html
  • 3. Integrate AKS and ACR - AzureRBAC method
  • 4.1 Create a Kubernetes pull secret.html
  • 4. Integrate AKS and ACR - Kubernetespull secret method
  • 5.1 Private ACR.html
  • 5. Securely connect to ACR via a private connection
  • 6. Integrate AKS with Azure Container Registry (ACR) - Quiz.html

  • 15. Ingress controllers in AKS
  • 1. What is an ingress controller
  • 2.1 AGIC in AKS.html
  • 2. Using Application Gateway Ingress Controller (AGIC)
  • 3. Expose apps using a domain name on HTTPS
  • 4.1 nginx-ingress-controller in AKS.html
  • 4. Using nginx-ingress-controller in AKS
  • 5.1 TLS with an ingress controller in AKS.html
  • 5. Expose App on HTTPS with Cert-Manager and Lets Encrypt
  • 6. Ingress controllers in AKS - Quiz.html

  • 16. High Availability in AKS
  • 1.1 Free and Standard tiers.html
  • 1. Free and Standard tiers for AKS cluster management
  • 2.1 Availability Zones in AKS.html
  • 2. Availability Zones in AKS
  • 3.1 What is Azure Front Door.html
  • 3. Use Azure Front Door to route traffic between multiple AKS clusters
  • 4.1 Configure a custom domain on Azure Front Door.html
  • 4. Use custom domain and Azure Front Door certificate to expose apps in AKS
  • 5. High availability in AKS - Quiz.html
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