وب سایت تخصصی شرکت فرین
دسته بندی دوره ها

Mastering RTOS: Hands on FreeRTOS and STM32Fx with Debugging

سرفصل های دوره

Learn Running/Porting FreeRTOS Real Time Operating System on STM32F4x and ARM cortex M based Mircocontrollers

01 - Overview of the course
  • 001 About the instructor.html
  • 002 Important Note.html
  • 003 What is this course all about
  • 004 Download Course Slides.html
  • 004 PPT.pdf
  • 005 FAQ.html
  • 006 Note for the Students.html

  • 02 - RTOS Introduction
  • 001 What is Real Time Application(RTAs)
  • 002 What is Real Time Operating System(RTOS)
  • 003 RTOS vs GPOS Task Scheduling
  • 004 RTOS vs GPOS Latency
  • 005 RTOS vs GPOS Priority inversion
  • 006 What is Multitasking

  • 03 - IDE installation and development board
  • 001 About the IDE
  • 002 IDE installation(Windows)
  • 003 IDE installation(Linux)
  • 004 Development board used in this course
  • 005 Downloading documents

  • 04 - Downloading and Installing FreeRTOS
  • 001 Downloading FreeRTOS kernel source

  • 05 - Creating FreeRTOS based project for STM32 MCUs
  • 001 Creating new STM32 project
  • 002 Adding FreeRTOS kernel source to project
  • 003 Include path settings
  • 004 FreeRTOSConfig.h and other settings
  • 004 freertosconfig.zip
  • 005 Time base selection for STM32+FreeRTOS project

  • 06 - FreeRTOS Task Creation
  • 001 What is task
  • 002 FreeRTOS task creation API
  • 003 Task priorities in FreeRTOS
  • 004 Exercise 001 coding
  • 005 Scheduling policies
  • 006 Exercise 001 coding contd
  • 007 Exercise 001 testing
  • 008 Behind the scene task creation
  • external-links.txt

  • 07 - Trace tool integration
  • 001 Trace tool download
  • 002 What is segger systemview software
  • 003 Segger systemview recording modes
  • 004 Segger systemview overview
  • 005 Segger systemview target integration
  • 005 freertosv202012.00-segger-cm4-v1.zip
  • 006 Analyzing exercise 001 using segger trace
  • 007 Analyzing cooperative scheduling trace

  • 08 - IDLE Task and Timer Svc Task of FreerRTOS
  • 001 Idle and timer services task

  • 09 - FreeRTOS Scheduler
  • 001 FreeRTOS scheduler
  • 002 Understanding implementation of xPortStartScheduler() of port.c

  • 10 - FreeRTOS and ARM Cortex Mx Arch. Specific details
  • 001 FreeRTOS Kernel interrupts
  • 002 RTOS Tick and SysTick Timer explanation
  • 003 Who configures the RTOS Tick Timer
  • 004 What RTOS Tick ISR (SysTick ISR) does summary

  • 11 - Context switching
  • 001 Introduction to context switching
  • 002 Context Switching understanding State of a Task
  • 003 Context Switching Task Switching out procedure with animation
  • 004 Context switching understanding pendSV handler code

  • 12 - SEGGER system view UART based recording
  • 001 Segger system view continuous recording over UART
  • 001 segger-uart.zip

  • 13 - Exercise-2 LEDs and Tasks
  • 001 Exercise 002
  • 002 Exercise 002 implementation
  • 003 Exercise 002 implementation contd
  • 004 Testing

  • 14 - Task states
  • 001 Task states
  • 002 Blocked and suspended state

  • 15 - FreeRTOS task delay APIs
  • 001 FreeRTOS task delay APIs
  • 002 Exercise 003
  • 003 Exercise 004

  • 16 - FreeRTOS Task Notification
  • 001 Task to task direct notification APIs

  • 17 - FreeRTOS Licensing model and API interface
  • 001 freertos-licensing
  • 002 FreeRTOS API Interface

  • 18 - Overview of FreeRTOS Memory manage, STACK and Synchronization services
  • 001 Overview of FreeRTOS Memory Management
  • 002 FreeRTOS Heap and Stack Management
  • 003 Overview of FreeRTOS Synchronization and mutual exclusion Services

  • 19 - FreeRTOS Task Deletion
  • 001 Deleting a Task
  • 002 Exercise 005
  • 003 Exercise 005 implementation and testing

  • 20 - ARM Cortex M Interrupt Priority and FreeRTOS Task Priority
  • 001 Task priority Vs hardware priority
  • 002 FreeRTOS Hardware interrupt configurable items
  • 003 FreeRTOS Hardware interrupt configurable items contd
  • 004 Exercise 006
  • 005 Exrecise 006 contd
  • 006 Exercise 006 analyzing trace
  • 007 Exercise 007
  • 008 Exercise 007 code explanation

  • 21 - Interrupt safe APIs
  • 001 Interrupt safe and interrupt unsafe APIs

  • 22 - FreeRTOS Hook Functions
  • 001 FreeRTOS Hook functions
  • 002 Tick hook function and Current saving instructions

  • 23 - FreeRTOS Queue Management
  • 001 Queues and its features
  • 002 Creating a Queue
  • 003 Sending data to Queue
  • 004 Receiving data from Queue
  • 005 Exercise 008 Queues and Timers
  • 006 Exercise 008 Implementation
  • 007 Exercise 008 Implementation part 1
  • 008 Exercise 008 Implementation part 2
  • 008 HAL-UART-RxCpltCallback.txt
  • 009 Exercise 008 Implementation part 3
  • 010 Exercise 008 Implementation part 4
  • 011 Exercise 008 Implementation part 5
  • 012 Exercise 008 Implementation part 6
  • 013 Exercise 008 Implementation part 7
  • 013 led-task.txt
  • 014 Exercise 008 Implementation part 8
  • 015 FreeRTOS software timers
  • 016 Exercise 008 Implementation part 9
  • 017 Exercise 008 Implementation part 10
  • 018 Exercise 008 Testing 1
  • 019 Exercise 008 Implementation part 11
  • 019 rtc-task.txt
  • 020 Exercise 008 Implementation part 12
  • 021 Exercise 008 Implementation part 13
  • 022 Exercise 008 Implementation part 14
  • 023 Exercise 008 Testing 2
  • 024 Exercise 008 Testing 3

  • 24 - Semaphore for Synchronization, mutual exclusion and Interrupt Management
  • 001 Synchronization and Mutual exclusion in real world
  • 002 Creation of a semaphore
  • 003 Different types of semaphores
  • 004 Binary semaphore to synchronize between two Tasks
  • 005 Exercise Synchronization between 2 Tasks
  • 006 Binary Semaphore to synchronize between task and Interrupt
  • 007 Events latching
  • 008 counting semaphore to latch and process multiple events
  • 009 Exercise Synchronizing a Task and Multiple Events

  • 25 - Mutual exclusion
  • 001 Mutual Exclusion using Binary Semaphore
  • 002 Exercise Mutual Exclusion between 2 tasks using Binary Semaphore
  • 003 Issue with Binary sema when used for Mutual exclusion.html
  • 003 Issue-with-Binary-Semaphore.pdf
  • 004 Advantages of Mutex Over Binary Semaphore
  • 005 Code Exercise - 16 Mutex Example.html
  • 006 Crude way to protect critical section

  • 26 - FreeRTOS+Simulator
  • 001 Installing-Eclipse.pdf
  • 001 Installing-Java-JDK-for-Windows.pdf
  • 001 Working with simulator using FreeRTOS Win32 Port.html
  • 001 freertos-win32simulator.pdf

  • 001 BONUS LECTURE.html
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    ایمیل شما:
    تولید کننده:
    شناسه: 15974
    حجم: 6135 مگابایت
    مدت زمان: 827 دقیقه
    تاریخ انتشار: 15 تیر 1402
    طراحی سایت و خدمات سئو

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