1. SQL Queries
2. Select Statement
3. Hands-On Select an existing table
4. Hands-On Select a particular column
5. Hands-On Select number of columns
6. Select Distinct
7. Hands-On Select Distinct and count unique rec
8. Where Statement
9. Hands-On Where and filtering records
10. Add Some Logic for conditions
11. Hands-On Logics for conditions
12. Aliases
13. Hands-On Aliases and renaming columns
14. Limitations
15. Hands-On Limitations by examples
16. Inserting Data
17. Hands-On Inserting records with column names
18. Hands-On Inserting values for all columns
19. Hands-On Inserting data for specified columns
20. Hands-On Inserting many records
21. Updating data
22. Hands-On Updating data by examples
23. Hands-On Updating all records
24. Deleting Data
25. Hands-On Deleting records by examples
27. Hands-On Types of Comments
28. SQL Operators
29. Hands-On SQL Arithmetic Operators
30. Hands-On SQL Comparators
31.1 work files.zip
31. Hands-On SQL BETWEEN and IN Operators