1. Introduction
2. Making a sample head without reference
3. Making the planes of the skull
4. Making a realistic skull
5. Making a head over the skull
6. Planes of the head exercise
7. Slightly stylized manly head exercise
8. Head planes anatomy4sculptors style
9. Super simple head to anime head
10. Asaro head exercise
11. Eyesballs size and studying other artists work
12. Sculpting a head from 3D scan reference
13. Differences between female and male head
14. Making a female head from a photo
15. Studying and sculpting Vimal Kerketta female elf head
16. Making a male head from photo
17. Feedback on a male head 01
18. Feedback on female head 01
19. Feedback on a not skiny guy head
20. Female head feedback 02
21. Female head feedback 03
22. Feedback male head Arnold
23. Female head feedback 04
24. Strong male head feedback
25. Wrap up and fixing some of my heads
26. Goodbye