1. Tinder authentication and my profile
2. Tinder add description
3. Tinder swipeable stack
4. Tinder icons in swipeable
5. Tinder firebase change plan
6. Tinder needed tools
7. Tinder firebase functions setup
8. Tinder firestore and functions connection
9. Tinder version control and clone of a project
10. Tinder functions of I like a person
11. Tinder. Test API Post
12. Tinder Api Call Integration in action
13. Tinder Query people that likes me
14. Tinder Query subcollection of theyLikeMe
15. Tinder Detail of person who likes me
16. Tinder I dont like a person
17. Tinder Backend logic for a match
18. Tinder integration API Call of create match
19. Tinder create item for user chat