وب سایت تخصصی شرکت فرین
دسته بندی دوره ها

Data Structures and Algorithms MasterClass: Coding Interview

سرفصل های دوره

Ace your next Java coding interview by mastering in data Structures and algorithms. Deep dive using Java

1 - Setup & Introduction
  • 1 - Common.pptx
  • 1 - Introduction
  • 2 - SetUp Java on Mac Machine
  • 3 - Download & Install Eclipse on MAC
  • 4 - SetUp Java & Eclipse on Windows Machine

  • 2 - Java Collection Framework
  • 5 - Collection-Framework.pptx
  • 5 - What is Collection Framework
  • 6 - GIT Code Location.html
  • 7 - Iterator in Collection Enumeration
  • 7 - Iterator-in-Java-Collection.pptx
  • 7 - enumerationtest.zip
  • 8 - Iterator-in-Java-Collection-Iterator.pptx
  • 8 - ListIterator in Collection
  • 8 - iteratorsample.zip
  • 8 - listiteratorsample.zip
  • 9 - List Interface in Java
  • 9 - List-Interface.pptx
  • 9 - code file.zip
  • 10 - ArrayList in Collection
  • 10 - ArrayList-in-Java.pptx
  • 11 - LinkedList in Collection
  • 11 - LinkedList-in-Java.pptx
  • 12 - Set in Java
  • 12 - Set-in-Java.pptx
  • 13 - HashSet in Java
  • 13 - HashSet-in-Java.pptx
  • 14 - LinkedHashSet in Java
  • 14 - Linked-HashSet-in-Java.pptx
  • 15 - TreeSet in Java
  • 15 - TreeSet-in-Java.pptx
  • 16 - Map in Java
  • 16 - Map-in-Java.pptx
  • 17 - HashMap in Java
  • 17 - HashMap-in-Java.pptx
  • 18 - LinkedHashMap in Java
  • 18 - LinkedHashMap-in-Java.pptx
  • 18 - collection git code location.zip

  • 3 - Java Collection Interview FAQs
  • 19 - Array to Arraylist Conversion
  • 20 - Conversion ArrayList To Set
  • 20 - ararylisttoset.zip

  • 4 - Arrays in Java
  • 21 - Array-in-Java.pptx
  • 21 - Single Dimensional Array in Java
  • 21 - git code location.zip
  • 22 - MultiDimensional Array in Java
  • 22 - Multi-Dimentional-Array.pptx
  • 22 - git code location.zip
  • 23 - Compare Two Arrays in Java
  • 23 - Compare-Arrays.pptx
  • 23 - git code location.zip
  • 24 - Array Problem Segregate Even & Odd Values
  • 24 - Segrigate-Odd-Even-Copy.pptx
  • 24 - download code file.zip
  • 25 - Array Problem Find Kth SmallLargest Element
  • 25 - download code file.zip

  • 5 - Interview Problems & Algos Arrays
  • 26 - FindMissingElement.pptx
  • 26 - Find Element in An Array
  • 26 - code file.zip
  • 27 - SearchElement.pptx
  • 27 - Search for Element in Sorted & Rotated Array
  • 27 - code file.zip
  • 28 - FindSecondHighest.pptx
  • 28 - Find second largest number in an array
  • 28 - code file.zip
  • 29 - FindOddTimesRepetedNumberInArray.pptx
  • 29 - Find the number occurring odd number of times in an array
  • 29 - code file.zip
  • 30 - Find minimum number of platforms required for railway station
  • 30 - Number-Of-Platform.pptx
  • 30 - code file.zip

  • 6 - Basic of Algorithms
  • 31 - Algorithms-Basics.pptx
  • 31 - What is Algorithm
  • 32 - Asymptotic Analysis of Algorithm
  • 32 - Asymptotic-Analysis.pptx

  • 7 - Algos Time Complexity
  • 33 - Algoritms-Time-Complexity.pptx
  • 33 - Time Complexity Explanation

  • 8 - Sorting Algorithms IMPORTANT
  • 34 - Sorting Terminology
  • 34 - Sorting-Basics.pptx
  • 35 - Selection Sort
  • 35 - Selection-Sort.pptx
  • 35 - git code location.zip
  • 36 - Bubble Sort Algorithm
  • 36 - Bubble-Sort.pptx
  • 36 - git code location.zip
  • 37 - Insertion Sort
  • 37 - Insertion-Sort.pptx
  • 37 - download code file.zip
  • 38 - Merge Sorting
  • 38 - Merge-Sort.pptx
  • 38 - download code file.zip
  • 39 - Quick Sorting
  • 39 - Quick-Sort.pptx
  • 39 - download code file.zip

  • 9 - Searching Algorithms IMPORTANT
  • 40 - Linear Search Algorithm
  • 40 - Linear-Search.pptx
  • 40 - code file.zip
  • 41 - Binary Search in Java
  • 41 - Binary-Search.pptx
  • 41 - download code file.zip
  • 42 - Find First Two Small Element in Array
  • 42 - Find-First-2-Small.pptx
  • 42 - git code location.zip

  • 10 - Stack Data Structure
  • 43 - Stack Introduction
  • 43 - Stack-In-Java.pptx
  • 43 - download code file.zip
  • 44 - Stack Conversion in Java
  • 44 - Stack-Conversion.pptx
  • 44 - download code files.zip
  • 45 - Implement a Stack using Array
  • 45 - StackImplementation-using-Array.pptx
  • 45 - code file.zip
  • 46 - Implement a Stack using Linked List
  • 46 - StackImplementation-using-LinkList.pptx
  • 46 - code file.zip
  • 47 - Implement a Stack using Two Queues
  • 47 - Stack-using-Queue.pptx
  • 47 - code file.zip

  • 11 - Tree Data Structure
  • 48 - Tree Data Structure Introduction
  • 48 - Tree-in-Java.pptx
  • 49 - PreOrder-Traversal.pptx
  • 49 - Pre Order Traversal
  • 49 - download code file.zip
  • 50 - InOrder Traversal
  • 50 - InOrder-Traversal.pptx
  • 50 - download code file.zip
  • 51 - PostOrder Traversal
  • 51 - PostOrder-Traversal.pptx
  • 51 - download code file.zip
  • 52 - LevelOrder-Traversal.pptx
  • 52 - Level Order Traversal
  • 52 - download code file.zip
  • 53 - LeafNode-Traversal.pptx
  • 53 - Traverse Leaf Node in Tree
  • 53 - download code file.zip
  • 54 - CountLeafNodes.pptx
  • 54 - Count Leaf Nodes of Tree
  • 54 - download code file.zip
  • 55 - Find Max Element in Binary Tree
  • 55 - GetMaximunNode.pptx
  • 55 - download code file.zip
  • 56 - FindAllPathsInTree.pptx
  • 56 - Find All Paths from Root to Leaf Nodes
  • 56 - download code file.zip
  • 57 - Find Sum of Vertical Nodes in Tree
  • 57 - Vertical-Sum.pptx
  • 57 - download code file.zip
  • 58 - Find Level of Any Node in Tree
  • 58 - download code file.zip

  • 12 - Binary Search Tree
  • 59 - BST Introduction
  • 59 - BST-in-Java.pptx
  • 60 - Insertion-in-BST.pptx
  • 60 - Insert Node in BST
  • 60 - download code file.zip
  • 61 - Search Node in BST
  • 61 - Search-in-BST.pptx
  • 61 - download code file.zip
  • 62 - Delete Node in BST
  • 62 - Delete-Node-in-BST.pptx
  • 62 - download code file.zip
  • 63 - Find Min & Max Node in BST
  • 63 - Min-Max-Node-in-BST.pptx
  • 63 - download code file.zip
  • 64 - Array To Binary Search Tree Conversion
  • 64 - Array-To-BST.pptx
  • 64 - download code file.zip

  • 13 - Additional Info
  • 65 - Bonus.html
  • 45,900 تومان
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    ایمیل شما:
    تولید کننده:
    شناسه: 10648
    حجم: 6454 مگابایت
    مدت زمان: 778 دقیقه
    تاریخ انتشار: 8 اردیبهشت 1402
    طراحی سایت و خدمات سئو

    45,900 تومان
    افزودن به سبد خرید