001 Step-01 Introduction to IaC DevOps with AWS CodePipeline
002 Step-02 Create DynamoDB Tables and Review TF Backend Configs
003 Step-03 Discuss Pipeline Decisions and Implement variable tfvar files per envir
004 Step-04 Review Provisioner Changes and Env specific resource name changes
005 Step-05 Create Access Keys in Parameter Store
006 Step-06 Review Dev and Staging BuildSpec Files
007 Step-07 Create GitRepo and Check-In Code and Create Github Connection
008 Step-08 Create CodePipeline DevDeploy Stage and Fix SSM Issue
009 Step-09 Rerun Pipeline and Verify Entire Dev Environment
010 Step-10 Fix SNS naming with local value
011 Step-11 Create ManualApproval and StageDeploy Stages and Release Changes
012 Step-12 Verify Staging Environment
013 Step-13 Make Changes, CheckIn Github, Triggers Pipeline, Verify Dev and Stage E
014 Step-14 Destroy Resources using CodePipeline