15 - Amazon EC2 What and Why
16 - Server VM Hypervisor
17 - Types of Amazon EC2
18 - Important Demo Our Very First EC2
18 - sample-html.zip
19 - Important Scaling Amazon EC2s Horizontal Vs Vertical
20 - IP Address vs URL
21 - Important Intro to Elastic Load Balancer
22 - Horizontal Vs Vertical Scaling Deep Dive
23 - Amazon EC2 Challenges
24 - AWS Lambda What and Why
25 - Demo AWS Lambda
26 - AWS Lambda Pros and Cons
27 - Containers Gorilla in the Room
28 - Container Orchestrator What and Why
29 - Intro to Kubernetes
30 - Amazon EKS and ECS and Fargate What and Why
31 - Optional Kubernetes Roadmap for Freshers
32 - Infra as Code What and Why
33 - AWS Infra as Code CloudFormation
34 - Important IaaS PaaS SaaS
35 - Elastic Beanstalk What and Why
36 - Demo Elastic Beanstalk
37 - AWS Marketplace
38 - Monolith vs Microservice