1.1 Final version.html
1.2 GitHub Repository.html
1. Preview of instagram clone project
2. Install Nextjs and Tailwind CSS and create homepage template
3. Add instageram logo to the left side of the header component
4. Add search bar to the header component
5. Add the menu and profile image at the right side of the header
6. Implement sticky header
7. Populate fake data using minifaker and create feed and story components
8. Style the story section and install tailwind-scrollbar
9. Create posts and post components and make some dummy data
10. Create the header and image sections of the post component
11. Create the buttons section of the post component
12. Add the caption and input box of the post component
13. Make the feed section responsive
14. Create the mini profile component
15. Build the suggestion part of the feed component
16. Install next-auth and firebase and initilize the firebase
17. Complete the signin page
18. Get the session and modify the header component with google data
19. Modify mini profile and story components to include the session
20. Install recoil and add atom and UploadModal component
21. Install and impliment react-modal
22. Complete the UploadModal component
23. Create a post and add it to firestore and get the downloadURL
24. Get the post data from database and show it in the feed section
25. Hide buttons and input section when the user is logged out
26. Add comment to the firebase database
27. Show comments in the comments section and get data from the firebase database
28. Apply like functionality
29. Deploy to vercel
30. Update 1 - show the number of likes
31. Update 2 - add firebase auth insead of next-auth