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Mega Web Development Course: Full stack web application 2023

سرفصل های دوره

Learn to create advanced websites using, html, css, javascript, python, django, aws - Full stack front-end, back-end dev

1 - Introduction
  • 1 - Introduction
  • 2 - How to use the course
  • 2 - discord group.zip
  • 3 - Discord.html
  • 4 - Install requirements
  • 5 - Required docs.html

  • 2 - HTML Beginner
  • 6 - HTML the structure
  • 7 - HTML file structure
  • 8 - Text coding resources
  • 9 - Lists
  • 10 - Link
  • 11 - Self closing tags
  • 12 - Image
  • 12 - brand-logo.zip
  • 13 - HTML comments
  • 14 - Practice Create product card
  • 14 - Practice-website.zip
  • 14 - suit-1.zip
  • 15 - Recap.html
  • 16 - Tip

  • 3 - CSS Beginner
  • 17 - 02-Practice-website-CSS-beginner-CSS-the-structure.zip
  • 17 - CSS the structure
  • 18 - Basic properties
  • 18 - Practice-website-colors.pdf
  • 19 - 3 Types of CSS
  • 20 - Debugging
  • 21 - CSS Selector
  • 22 - Class vs id
  • 23 - CSS comments
  • 24 - Practice improve the page css
  • 25 - Recap.html
  • 26 - Tip

  • 4 - HTML Intermediate
  • 27 - 03-Practice-website-HTML-intermediate-video.zip
  • 27 - Video
  • 27 - intro-video
  • 27 - video documentation.zip
  • 28 - Grouping tag
  • 29 - HTML-semantics-cheat-sheet.pdf
  • 29 - Semantic HTML
  • 30 - What is form
  • 31 - Form structure
  • 32 - Practice Create complete signup form
  • 33 - Inputs

  • 5 - CSS Intermediate
  • 34 - 04-Practice-website-CSS-intermediate-video.zip
  • 34 - Favicon
  • 34 - favicon generator.zip
  • 35 - Box model
  • 36 - Centering with margin
  • 37 - Measuring units
  • 38 - Practice Style the signup form
  • 39 - Solution Styling the signup form
  • 40 - Hover selectore
  • 41 - Display
  • 42 - Centering of Block or inline elements
  • 43 - Position
  • 44 - Flexbox
  • 45 - Flex container
  • 45 - flexbox documentation.zip
  • 45 - suit-2.zip
  • 45 - suit-3.zip
  • 45 - suit-4.zip
  • 46 - Practice Use Flex box to improve nav bar
  • 47 - Practice Improve the intro
  • 48 - Practice Improve product section and card
  • 49 - Flex item
  • 49 - flex item properties.zip

  • 6 - CSS Advanced
  • 50 - 05-Practice-website-CSS-advance-Grid.zip
  • 50 - Grid
  • 50 - grid documentation.zip
  • 51 - Grid templates
  • 52 - Practice Add a grid of product images
  • 52 - suits.zip
  • 53 - Boxshadow
  • 54 - Selecting selectors
  • 55 - Filters
  • 55 - filter effects mdn.zip
  • 56 - Animation
  • 57 - Responsive
  • 58 - Recap.html

  • 7 - JavaScript Beginner
  • 59 - 06-Practice-website-JS-beginner-Intro.zip
  • 59 - What is JS and what it does
  • 60 - 3 types of JS writing
  • 61 - 07-Practice-website-JS-beginner-variable.zip
  • 61 - Variable
  • 62 - Var const
  • 63 - Naming variables
  • 64 - Data types
  • 65 - Practice Basics of JS
  • 66 - Number equality
  • 67 - Operators
  • 68 - Operators on strings
  • 69 - Comparators
  • 70 - Practice Js operators
  • 71 - If statement
  • 72 - Practice if statement
  • 73 - Function Creating calling
  • 74 - Practice Calculate the daily battle
  • 75 - Onclick event

  • 8 - JavaScript Intermediate
  • 76 - 08-Practice-website-JS-intermediate-random.zip
  • 76 - Random
  • 76 - js random documentation mdn.zip
  • 77 - If else else if
  • 78 - Function Parameters arguments
  • 79 - Function Output
  • 80 - Practice Build the multiply function of a calculator
  • 81 - Array
  • 82 - Updating an array
  • 83 - Remainder operator
  • 83 - remainder documentation.zip
  • 84 - Practice Pomodoro
  • 85 - While loop
  • 86 - For loop
  • 87 - Practice Find even numbers

  • 9 - JavaScript DOM
  • 88 - 09-Practice-website-JS-DOM-Intro.zip
  • 88 - DOM-Methods.pdf
  • 88 - DOM-Properties.pdf
  • 88 - What is DOM
  • 88 - dom tree chrom extension.zip
  • 89 - Important JS placing note
  • 90 - DOM-Selectors.pdf
  • 90 - Selecting HTML elements
  • 91 - Dom style
  • 91 - list of all dom style.zip
  • 92 - Add HTML element
  • 93 - Practice Show product review on hover
  • 94 - Dom for classes
  • 95 - Dark mode part 1
  • 95 - moon.zip
  • 95 - sun.zip
  • 96 - Dark mode part 2
  • 97 - Event listener
  • 97 - list of events.zip

  • 10 - JavaScript Advanced
  • 98 - 10-Practice-website-JS-advance-Higher-order-function.zip
  • 98 - Higher order function
  • 99 - Calculator HTML CSS
  • 100 - Calculator code for HTML CSS.html
  • 101 - Calculator solution JavaScript
  • 102 - Calculator code for JS.html
  • 103 - Object
  • 104 - Practice Object form
  • 105 - Object method
  • 106 - Switch
  • 107 - Switch examples

  • 11 - Python Beginner
  • 108 - Setup Python
  • 109 - Printing
  • 110 - Variable and types
  • 111 - Naming variables
  • 112 - Commenting in python
  • 113 - Variables and input
  • 114 - Practice Name characters
  • 115 - Data type and conversion casting
  • 115 - casting documentation.zip
  • 116 - Python operators
  • 116 - Python-Operators.pdf
  • 116 - list of all python operators.zip
  • 116 - thonny showing the steps of code execution.zip
  • 117 - Fstring
  • 118 - Practice Breakeven point
  • 119 - Conditional statement
  • 120 - Elif and nested conditions
  • 121 - Practice Providing discount
  • 122 - Logical operators

  • 12 - Python Intermediate
  • 123 - List
  • 124 - Organizing list data
  • 124 - list documentation.zip
  • 124 - list-Python-Reference-The-Right-Way-0.1-documentation.pdf
  • 125 - Practice List even numbers
  • 126 - While loop
  • 127 - Practice Continuous code
  • 128 - For loop
  • 129 - Practice Odd and even numbers
  • 130 - Python-Random-Module.pdf
  • 130 - Random module
  • 130 - random module documentation.zip
  • 131 - Practice Password generator
  • 132 - String module
  • 132 - string module documentation.zip
  • 133 - Python-String-Module-Methods.pdf
  • 133 - String Methods
  • 133 - string methods list.zip
  • 134 - Solution Password generator

  • 13 - Python Advance
  • 135 - Function
  • 136 - Practice Profit margin
  • 137 - Tuple
  • 137 - python tuple documentation.zip
  • 138 - Updating a tuple
  • 139 - Set
  • 139 - python set documentation.zip
  • 140 - Dictionary
  • 140 - dictionary documentation.zip
  • 141 - Classes
  • 142 - Class output and methods
  • 143 - Practice order class
  • 144 - Python frameworks
  • 144 - top 20 python frameworks.zip

  • 14 - Django Beginner
  • 145 - Introduction to Django
  • 146 - Django installation
  • 146 - command line tutorial.zip
  • 147 - Creating Django project
  • 148 - Analyzing Django files
  • 149 - Django server
  • 150 - Django applications
  • 151 - URLs and Views
  • 152 - Setting up home page
  • 153 - Practice Create a page for suits
  • 154 - Dynamic URLs
  • 155 - Render HTML file
  • 156 - DjangoHTML
  • 157 - Passing variables to html
  • 158 - Django template filters
  • 158 - builtin template tags and filters.zip
  • 159 - Template inheritance
  • 160 - 11-Practice-website-django-beginner.zip
  • 160 - Import MyShop HTML pages
  • 160 - signup.html
  • 161 - Dynamic URL tags
  • 162 - Template snippets
  • 163 - Static files
  • 163 - signup.zip
  • 163 - style.zip
  • 164 - Global static files
  • 165 - Practice add all images and static files
  • 165 - brand-logo.zip
  • 165 - favicon.zip
  • 165 - intro-video
  • 165 - suit-1.zip
  • 165 - suit-2.zip
  • 165 - suit-3.zip
  • 165 - suit-4.zip

  • 15 - Django Intermediate
  • 166 - Database model
  • 167 - Django model
  • 167 - Django-model-data-types-and-fields-list.pdf
  • 168 - Migration
  • 169 - Admin panel
  • 170 - Show models in admin
  • 171 - Practice Creating profile model
  • 172 - Inserting data
  • 173 - Getting data
  • 174 - Updating models
  • 175 - Updating and deleting data
  • 176 - Django-Field-Lookups-Reference.pdf
  • 176 - Field lookups
  • 177 - Filtering with and or
  • 178 - Practice Create product model
  • 179 - 4-products-practice.pdf
  • 179 - Practice The 4 suits
  • 180 - Practice Models in html
  • 181 - File upload
  • 181 - suit-1.zip
  • 181 - suit-2.zip
  • 181 - suit-3.zip
  • 181 - suit-4.zip
  • 182 - Serving media
  • 183 - Configure admin setting
  • 184 - Solution limited ordered objects
  • 185 - Model admin options
  • 185 - django admin options documentation.zip

  • 16 - Django Advanced
  • 186 - Data relationship
  • 186 - Data-Relationship-Model.pdf
  • 187 - Onetomany relation
  • 187 - myshop.zip
  • 187 - sample-logo.zip
  • 188 - Practice add brand to Shirt
  • 188 - myshop.zip
  • 189 - Cross model queries
  • 190 - Onetoone relation
  • 191 - Manytomany relation
  • 192 - Creating categories
  • 193 - Same model relationship
  • 194 - Product page Django side
  • 195 - Product page html and css
  • 195 - product.html
  • 195 - product.zip
  • 196 - Django forms intro
  • 197 - Dummy form
  • 198 - GET and POST request
  • 199 - CSRF
  • 200 - Receiving POST request
  • 201 - Django forms
  • 201 - forms documentation.zip
  • 201 - form fields and properties.zip
  • 202 - Field error
  • 203 - Success message
  • 204 - Customizing the form field
  • 204 - form documentation.zip
  • 204 - form fields.zip
  • 205 - Adding more fields
  • 206 - Storing data on database
  • 207 - Practice show feedbacks
  • 208 - Django-Form-Fields-Widgets-and-Attributes.pdf
  • 208 - Styling the form
  • 208 - product.zip
  • 208 - widget types list.zip
  • 209 - The form css style.html
  • 210 - Model forms
  • 211 - Updating existing objects
  • 212 - Class based views

  • 17 - Deployment to AWS
  • 213 - Deployment intro
  • 214 - Database
  • 215 - Web server
  • 216 - Host nad AWS
  • 217 - Collecting static files
  • 218 - Serving static files with django
  • 219 - Dependencies
  • 219 - django deployment documentation.zip
  • 219 - pip installation.zip
  • 220 - Elastic beanstalk
  • 221 - EB CLI
  • 221 - eb cli installation on github.zip
  • 221 - setup doc to ensure eb python path.zip
  • 222 - IAM
  • 223 - Deployment
  • 224 - Serve static files with server
  • 225 - Static files on S3
  • 225 - s3-bucket-policy.zip
  • 225 - s3-cors.zip
  • 226 - File upload to S3
  • 226 - suit-1.zip
  • 226 - suit-2.zip
  • 226 - suit-3.zip
  • 226 - suit-4.zip
  • 227 - Database PostgreSQL
  • 228 - Security group

  • 18 - Ending
  • 229 - Congratulation.html
  • 67,300 تومان
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    ایمیل شما:
    تولید کننده:
    شناسه: 9680
    حجم: 9692 مگابایت
    مدت زمان: 1315 دقیقه
    تاریخ انتشار: 26 فروردین 1402
    طراحی سایت و خدمات سئو

    67,300 تومان
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