69 - Module Introduction
70 - Working with asset image text styling color appBar and drawer
70 - gym-guide-app-start.zip
71 - Home screen header
72 - Workout category card widget UI
73 - Create the list of workout categories with list view builder
74 - ARTICLE Why we cant use ListView inside the Column.html
75 - Set the theme using ThemeData Pass data using the constructor
75 - gym-app-set-the-theme-using-themeData-Pass-data-using-the-constructor.zip
76 - Introduction to routes and passing data using routes
77 - Create exercise model and list of exercise
77 - exercise.zip
77 - exercise-model.zip
78 - Create the exercise card widget
78 - gym-guide-app-exercise-list-card-widget-ui.zip
79 - ARTICLE Listgenerate and join method.html
80 - Create the list of exercise card widget with ListViewseperated method
80 - gym-guide-app-list-of-exercise.zip
81 - Gym exercise details page UI
81 - gym-guide-app-exercise-details-page-ui.zip
82 - Manage the state of isFavourite using floating action button
82 - gym-guide-app-manage-the-status-of-is-favourite.zip
83 - Create BottomNavigationBar UI and theme
84 - Update the UI of the homepage based on the index of bottom navigation bar
85 - Update the favourite exercise list
85 - gym-guide-app-update-fav-Exercise-list-globally.zip
86 - Create drawer UI
87 - Add navigation in Drawer items
88 - Create Filter screen UI and manage the state of RadioListTile and Slider
89 - Manage the UI flow and list of exercise based on the filter selected by the user
89 - gym-guide-app-managing-the-list-exercise-based-on-filters.zip
90 - Create the BMI calculator UI and manage the state
90 - gym-guide-app-bmi-screen-ui.zip
91 - Calculate and display the result of BMI
91 - gym-guide-app-calculate-the-bmi-value.zip