1.1 Lesson 3.xlsx
1. Format Cells Based on Set Criteria
2.1 Lesson 4.xlsx
2. Format Cells Dynamically based on changing criteria
3.1 Lesson 5.xlsx
3. Format Cells Based on Rank Part 1
4.1 Lesson 6.xlsx
4. Format Cells Based on Rank Part 2
5.1 Lesson 7.xlsx
5. Format Cells Format Duplicate Cells
6.1 Lesson 8.xlsx
6. Format Cells Format with Icon sets Part 1
7.1 Lesson 9.xlsx
7. Format Cells Format with Icon sets Part 2
8.1 Lesson 10.xlsx
8. Format Cells Format with Icon sets Part 3
9.1 Lesson 11.xlsx
9. Format Cells Format with Icon sets Part 4
10.1 Lesson 12.xlsx
10. Format Cells Format using Data Bars
11.1 Lesson 13.xlsx
11. Format Cells Format with Colour Scales
12.1 Lesson 14.xlsx
12. Format Cells Format Alternate Rows with formulas
13.1 Lesson 15.xlsx
13. Format Cells Format Cells based on values from other cells using formula
14.1 Lesson 16.xlsx
14. Format Cells Format cells based criteria using formulas
15.1 Lesson 17.xlsx
15. Format Cells Format entire Rows using formulas