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RPA UiPath-Get Job Ready Skills in 30days – Build 8 Projects

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Kick start your RPA UIPATH DEVELOPER career || 80+ RPA Ui Path Interview Questions || RPA UiPath tutorial for beginners

1 - Course Introduction
  • 1 - What Youll Get In This Course
  • 2 - Increase Your Chances Of Getting Hired As An RPA Developer.html
  • 3 - Join Our Online Classroom.html
  • 4 - Meet People Like You.html
  • 5 - Guidelines For Source Code.html

  • 2 - RPA And UiPath Introduction
  • 8 - What To Do When You Are StuckDont Skip
  • 9 - Uipath Studio Installation Guide 2022 version.html
  • 11 - RPA Life Cycle
  • 12 - Different RPA Roles & Responsibilities
  • 13 - Are you a RPA developer who is trying to improve logic building skills
  • 14 - Bookmark the Course Resources.html

  • 3 - UiPath User Interface Overview
  • 15 - UiPath Home Screen
  • 16 - Creating Our First Simple Bot
  • 17 - UiPathRibbons HomeDesign and Debug
  • 18 - Project Panel
  • 19 - Activities Panel
  • 20 - Properties Panel
  • 21 - Output Panel

  • 4 - Beginner level
  • 22 - Lets work on basiclevel projects.html

  • 5 - Project 1 Generate Employee ID and MailID Process
  • 23 - Generate Employee ID and MailID Demo
  • 24 - Project Creation and Initial Setup
  • 25 - 3Data Entry Selector Intro
  • 26 - 4Select Options
  • 27 - 5How To Fetch The Values From Screen
  • 28 - 6Asking The User For The Inputs
  • 29 - 7Providing Multiple Options To User
  • 30 - Project 1 Source Code.html
  • 30 - Robot-1-GenerateTheEmpIDAndEmailID.zip
  • 30 - Website-Link.txt

  • 6 - Project 2 RPA Challenge
  • 3 - Quiz 2.html
  • 31 - RPA Challenge Demo
  • 32 - Reading Excel File
  • 33 - Launching Website
  • 34 - Fetch Each Record
  • 35 - Handling Dynamic Selectors
  • 36 - Final Run
  • 37 - Project 2 Source Code.html
  • 37 - Robot-2-RPA-Challenge.zip
  • 37 - Website-Link.txt

  • 7 - Project 3 Sale Report Generation Process
  • 4 - Quiz 3.html
  • 38 - Sales Report Generation Demo
  • 39 - 1Reading the csv file
  • 40 - 2Copying Files And Replacing Text In Word Files
  • 41 - 3Launching A Desktop Application
  • 42 - 4Converting Word Files To PDF Format
  • 43 - 5Getting Files From A Directory
  • 44 - 6For Each Activity Explanation And Final Run
  • 45 - Project 3 Source Code.html
  • 45 - Sales-Report-Generation-Process.zip

  • 8 - Intermediate level
  • 46 - Lets work on mediumlevel projects.html

  • 9 - Exploring RE Framework
  • 47 - REFramework Introduction And Its Benefits
  • 48 - Understanding RE Framework Concept
  • 49 - RE Framework Architecture
  • 50 - Main File
  • 51 - IntItAll State
  • 52 - Get Transaction Data State
  • 53 - Process State
  • 54 - End Process State

  • 10 - Project 4 RPA Challenge
  • 55 - RPA Challenge Business
  • 56 - Data Entry Process Demo
  • 57 - 1RPA Challenge Initial Project Setup
  • 58 - 2Launching The Website Using Retry Scope
  • 59 - 3Downloading The Input File
  • 60 - 4Updating Data
  • 61 - 5Reading Configuration File
  • 62 - 6Debbuging InitAllSettings Workflow
  • 63 - 7Integrating Launch Application Workflow
  • 64 - 8Reading The Input File
  • 65 - 9Handling Failure
  • 66 - 10Handling The Transaction Flow
  • 67 - 11Configuring Process State And Set Transaction State
  • 68 - 12Data Entry Process The Final Run
  • 69 - Project 4 Source Code.html
  • 69 - RPA-Challenge-RE.zip

  • 11 - Project 5 Recipe Scrapping Process
  • 70 - Recipe Scrapping Process Business & Demo
  • 71 - 1Recipe Scrapping Process Initial Project Setup
  • 72 - 2User Input 1
  • 73 - 3User Input 2
  • 74 - 4Launching The Taste Site
  • 75 - 5Search For The Recipe
  • 76 - 6Data Scrapping Process
  • 77 - 7Navigating To Recipe URL
  • 78 - 8Extracting Ingredients
  • 79 - 9Scrapping Method Of Preparation
  • 80 - 10Handling Dynamic Selectors
  • 81 - 11Replacing Recipe Name With Dynamic Values
  • 82 - 12Writing The Data To Text File
  • 83 - 13Integrating User Input Workflow
  • 84 - 14Integrating Website Launch Workflow
  • 85 - 15Configuring Get Transaction Data State
  • 86 - 16Integrating Recipe Search Workflow
  • 87 - 17Happy Path Walkthrough
  • 88 - 18Implementation Of Exception Handling Mechanism
  • 89 - 19Understanding Exception Mechanism Using Debug Mode
  • 90 - 20Final Run
  • 91 - Project 5 Source Code.html
  • 91 - Recipe-Scrapping-Process-RE.zip

  • 12 - Advanced level
  • 92 - Lets work on complexlevel projects.html

  • 13 - Project 6 HR Employee Admission Process
  • 93 - HR Employee Admission Process Business & Demo
  • 94 - 1HR Employee Admission Process Initial Project Setup
  • 95 - 2Retrieving The Input
  • 96 - 3String Manipulations Overview
  • 97 - 4Reading Appointment Letter
  • 98 - 5Understanding Substring & IndexOf Methods
  • 99 - 6Understanding Split Method
  • 100 - 7PDF Data Extraction 1
  • 101 - 8PDF Data Extraction 2
  • 102 - 9Reading Payroll Form
  • 103 - 10DOC Data Extraction 1
  • 104 - 11DOC Data Extraction 2
  • 105 - 12Launching The HRPortal
  • 106 - 13Data Entry Process
  • 107 - 14Extracting Employee ID and MailId
  • 108 - 15Adding Data To The Master Sheet
  • 109 - 16Organizing The Project Structure
  • 110 - 17 Integrating GetInputFilesxaml
  • 111 - 18Configuring Get Transaction Data State
  • 112 - 19Retrieving The File Names
  • 113 - 20Integrating GetDataFromAppointmentLetterxaml
  • 114 - 21 Integrating GetDataFromPayrollFormxaml
  • 115 - 22Integrating GetEmpIDnMailIDxaml
  • 116 - 23Empoyee ID and MaiId Generation Testing
  • 117 - 24 Integrating AppendDataToMasterSheetxaml
  • 118 - 25Configuring Set Transaction Status File
  • 119 - 26Happy Path Testing
  • 120 - 27Exceptions Testing
  • 121 - 28Final Run
  • 122 - HR-OnBoarding-Process.zip
  • 122 - Project 6 Source Code.html

  • 14 - Exploring UiPath Orchestrator
  • 123 - 1Orchestrator Overview
  • 124 - 2Machines
  • 125 - 3Robots
  • 126 - 4Environment
  • 127 - 5Packages
  • 128 - 6Processes
  • 129 - 7Jobs
  • 130 - 8Triggers
  • 131 - 9Queues
  • 132 - 10Assets Intro
  • 133 - 11Exploring Assets

  • 15 - Project 7 Grade Management System Process
  • 134 - Grade Management System Process Business
  • 135 - Demo
  • 136 - 1Implementation Plan
  • 137 - 2Dispatcher Project Setup
  • 138 - 3Reading The MasterMarksSheet
  • 139 - 4Configuring Set Transaction Data State
  • 140 - 5Workflow To Push Excel Records To Orchestrator Queue
  • 141 - 6Understanding Dispatcher WorkflowRE Framework Mechanism
  • 142 - 7Dispatcher Final Run
  • 143 - 8Performer Project Setup
  • 144 - 9Launching The Desktop App
  • 145 - 10Get Transaction Data State Setup
  • 146 - 11Fetching The Item From QueueDone Using Debugging
  • 147 - 12Data Entry Process
  • 148 - 13Data Scrapping Process
  • 149 - 14Setting Up Email Notification
  • 150 - 15Get Credentials From Orchestrator
  • 151 - 16EndToEnd Dubugging
  • 152 - 17Publishing The Project To Orchestrator
  • 153 - 18Final Run
  • 154 - GMS-Dispatcher.zip
  • 154 - GMS-Performer.zip
  • 154 - Project 7 Source Code.html

  • 16 - Final Assignment
  • 155 - Quick Guide.html

  • 17 - Project 8 Insurance Process
  • 156 - Insurance PDDDocument.html
  • 156 - Insurance-PDD-1.pdf
  • 157 - Download Demo Application and Input File.html
  • 157 - Insurance-App-and-Input-File.zip

  • 18 - Mock Interviews
  • 158 - Not Confident Enough To Attend An RPA UiPath Interview Then You Must Watch
  • 159 - RPA Mock Interview UiPath Automation Anywhere and BluePrism

  • 19 - Practice RPA Challenges
  • 160 - 11 RPA Challenges to improve your skills.html

  • 20 - ARCHIVED 2019 version Project 1 Generate Employee ID and MailID Process
  • 161 - Generate Employee ID and MailID Demo
  • 162 - Project Creation and Initial Setup
  • 163 - Type Into Activity & Selector Intro
  • 164 - Using Check Activity
  • 165 - How To Fetch The Values From Screen
  • 166 - Asking The User For The Inputs
  • 167 - Project 1 Source Code.html
  • 167 - Robot-1-Generate-Emp-IDAndMailID.zip
  • 167 - Website-Link.txt
  • 53,700 تومان
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