1.1 1a.mp3
1.2 1b.mp3
1.3 1c.mp3
1.4 answers.pdf
1.5 exercise.pdf
1. Lecture 1 p and b as in parrot and bag
2.1 2a.mp3
2.2 2b.mp3
2.3 2c.mp3
2.4 answers.pdf
2.5 exercise.pdf
2. Lecture 2 s and z as in snake and zebra
3.1 3a.mp3
3.2 3b.mp3
3.3 3c.mp3
3.4 answers.pdf
3.5 exercise.pdf
3. Lecture 3 t and d as in tie and dog
4.1 4a.mp3
4.2 4b.mp3
4.3 4c.mp3
4.4 answers.pdf
4.5 exercise.pdf
4. Lecture 4 h, w and j as in house, witch and yacht
5.1 5a.mp3
5.2 5b.mp3
5.3 5c.mp3
5.4 answers.pdf
5.5 exercise.pdf
5. Lecture 5 f and v as in flower and vase
6.1 6a.mp3
6.2 6b.mp3
6.3 6c.mp3
6.4 answers.pdf
6.5 exercise.pdf
6. Lecture 6 s and 3 as in shower and television
7.1 7a.mp3
7.2 7b.mp3
7.3 7c.mp3
7.4 answers.pdf
7.5 exercise.pdf
7. Lecture 7 r and l as in right and leg
8.1 8a.mp3
8.2 8b.mp3
8.3 8c.mp3
8.4 answers.pdf
8.5 exercise.pdf
8. Lecture 8 0 and o as in thumb and mother
9.1 9a.mp3
9.2 9b.mp3
9.3 9c.mp3
9.4 answers.pdf
9.5 exercise.pdf
9. Lecture 9 k and g as in key and girl
10.1 10a.mp3
10.2 10b.mp3
10.3 10c.mp3
10.4 answers.pdf
10.5 exercise.pdf
10. Lecture 10 m, n and n as in monkey, nose and sing
11.1 11a.mp3
11.2 11b.mp3
11.3 11c.mp3
11.4 answers.pdf
11.5 exercise.pdf
11. Lecture 11 ts and d3 as in chess and jazz