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How To Make Your First Million in Real Estate

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The Ultimate Guide to Real Estate Investing

1. 0.0 Introduction
  • 1.1 RISE Boot Camp Workbook Landscape Only.docx
  • 1. Module 0 - Introduction
  • 2. Millionaire Real Estate Investing Blueprint
  • 3. EXERCISE 0.1 Quick Self-Assessment.html
  • 4. EXERCISE 0.2 What Is Real Estate Investing.html
  • 5. EXTRA VIDEO This Is What Real Estate Investing Really Is
  • 6. EXTRA VIDEO Why Is Real Estate Investing The Best Way To Make Money
  • 7. EXTRA VIDEO How Real Estate Will Make You 100% Return
  • 8. Test Your Understanding.html

  • 2. 1.0 Educate What you need to know and where to get it
  • 1. INTRO Lesson Objectives.html
  • 2. Module 1.1 - Educate - Skills
  • 3. Module 1.2 - Educate - Learning
  • 4. EXTRA VIDEO The 5 Most Important Skills You Need To Be A Good Real Estate Inves
  • 5. EXERCISE 1.1 Skills Assessment.html
  • 6. EXERCISE 1.2 Education Plan.html
  • 7. EXERCISE 1.3 Read a Book..html
  • 8. EXTRA VIDEO What Real Estate Investing Skills Do You Need Help With
  • 9. EXTRA VIDEO What Will You Do To Learn Real Estate Investing
  • 10. EXTRA VIDEO This Is When You Need Experts For Your Real Estate Business
  • 11. QUIZ Test Your Understanding.html

  • 3. 2.0 Control Get control of your Financial and Personal situation
  • 1. INTRO Lesson Objectives.html
  • 2. Module 2.0 - Control
  • 3. EXTRA VIDEO How To Determine Your Net Worth
  • 4. EXERCISE 2.1 Calculate Net Worth.html
  • 5. EXTRA VIDEO How to Develop Your Own Financial Plan
  • 6. EXERCISE 2.2 Prepare a Financial Plan.html
  • 7. EXTRA VIDEO How to Analyze Your Credit Score
  • 8. EXERCISE 2.3 Analyze Sample Credit Report.html
  • 9.1 canadacreditrepair.pdf
  • 9. EXTRA VIDEO How to Develop a Credit Repair Plan
  • 10. EXTRA VIDEO How To Get Your Personal Situation In Order
  • 11. EXTRA VIDEO How to Get Your Financial Situation In Order
  • 12. EXERCISE 2.4 Create an Action Plan to organize yourself..html
  • 13. EXERCISE 2.5 Evaluate Yourself to determine Obstacles & Limiting Beliefs.html
  • 14. QUIZ Test Your Understanding.html

  • 4. 3.0 Plan Treat real Estate Investing as a business
  • 1. INTRO Lesson Objectives.html
  • 2. Module 3.0 Plan
  • 3. Introduction To Lease Options
  • 4. Real Estate Investing Types Of Properties
  • 5. EXTRA VIDEO Whats Your Vision, Mission, and Goals
  • 6. EXERCISE 3.1 Define your Vision, Mission & Purpose of your business..html
  • 7. EXTRA VIDEO Whats The Right Real Estate Investing Strategy For You
  • 8. EXERCISE 3.2 Analyze the different type of Real Estate investment strategies.html
  • 9. EXTRA VIDEO What Property Types Should You Invest In
  • 10. EXERCISE 3.3 Analyze the different types of properties.html
  • 11. EXTRA VIDEO Choose The Right People For Your Real Estate Investing Team
  • 12. EXERCISE 3.4 Identify your Power Team..html
  • 13. EXERCISE 3.5 What are the different sales strategies.html
  • 14. EXTRA VIDEO If You Fail to Plan, You Plan to Fail
  • 15. EXERCISE 3.6 Develop a Business Plan.html
  • 16. EXTRA VIDEO 6 Things to Think About Before Getting Strated in Real Estate Inves
  • 17. EXTRA VIDEO 3 Mistakes People Make When Buying Real Estate
  • 18. QUIZ Test Your Understanding.html

  • 5. 4.0 Market How to find what you want
  • 1. INTRO Lesson Objectives.html
  • 2. Module 4.0 -Market
  • 3. EXERCISE 4.1 Define your Marketing Strategy for Motivated Sellers.html
  • 4. EXERCISE 4.2 Define your Marketing Strategy for Investors.html
  • 5. EXERCISE 4.3 Define your Marketing Strategy for Tenant Buyers.html
  • 6. EXERCISE 4.4 Create Marketing Plan..html
  • 7. EXERCISE 4.5 What do you put in your own ads.html
  • 8. FreedomSoft Deal Finder Demo
  • 9. How to Setup your Websites using Carrot
  • 10. EXERCISE 4.6 Create Your Own Social Media Presence.html
  • 11. MODULE 4.1 A Good Online Marketing Strategy - Part 1
  • 12. MODULE 4.2 A Good Online Marketing Strategy - Part 2
  • 13. EXTRA VIDEO Define Your Overall Brand.
  • 14. EXTRA VIDEO What is Your Unique Selling Proposition
  • 15. EXTRA VIDEO What is Your Elevator Pitch
  • 16. EXTRA VIDEO Setting Up Email Marketing
  • 17. EXTRA VIDEO Setting Up Your Website As Your Online Store Front
  • 18. EXTRA VIDEO Why You Need a Facebook Page for Real Estate Investing
  • 19. EXTRA VIDEO Why You Need LinkedIn for Real Estate Investing#thumbnail
  • 20. EXTRA VIDEO How Instagram is an Asset in Real Estate
  • 21. QUIZ Test Your Understanding.html

  • 6. 5.0 Analyze Finding and qualifying deals
  • 1. INTRO Lesson Objectives.html
  • 2. VIDEO Module 5.0 -Analyze
  • 3. FreedomSoft Deal Finder Demo
  • 4. Hubspot CRM Demo
  • 5. EXERCISE 5.1 Setup Your CRM.html
  • 6. EXTRA VIDEO How To Find Motivated Sellers in Real Estate
  • 7. EXERCISE 5.2 Why are Sellers Motivated.html
  • 8. EXERCISE 5.3 Find Motivated Sellers.html
  • 9. EXTRA VIDEO Kijiji Search Demo
  • 10. EXTRA VIDEO Craigslist Search Demo
  • 11. EXTRA VIDEO House Search Hack Using Inoreader
  • 12. EXERCISE 5.3 Analyze Ads.html
  • 13. EXTRA VIDEO How to Find Properties And Deals That Are Worth Investing In
  • 14. EXTRA VIDEO Finding and Qualifying Real Estate Deals
  • 15. EXTRA VIDEO How to Decide Which Real Estate Deal Provides the BEST VALUE
  • 16. QUIZ Test Your Understanding.html

  • 7. 6.0 Finance How to fund any deal
  • 1. INTRO Lesson Objectives.html
  • 2. Module 6.0 - Finance
  • 3. Nothing Down Creative Financing
  • 4. EXERCISE 6.1 Identify and determine your financing strategies..html
  • 5. EXERCISE 6.2 Identify your Investors..html
  • 6. EXTRA VIDEO Where To Find Money to Invest
  • 7. EXTRA VIDEO Why You Need A Mortgage Broker
  • 8. EXTRA VIDEO How to Find Investors for Your Deals
  • 9. EXTRA VIDEO How To Use Private Financing For Your Real Estate Deal
  • 10. EXTRA VIDEO How to Find Investors for Your Deals
  • 11. EXTRA VIDEO How to Work with Mortgage Broker to fund your deals
  • 12. EXTRA VIDEO How to Use Friends and Family for Real Estate Investments
  • 13. EXTRA VIDEO How to Get Financing for Real Estate Investments
  • 14. EXTRA VIDEO What Is Seller Financing And How To Use It
  • 15. QUIZ Test Your Understanding.html

  • 8. 7.0 Invest Lets make a deal
  • 1. Lesson Objectives.html
  • 2. Module 7.0 - Invest
  • 3.1 Evaluation Template - Fix and Flip for Exercise - 2020 - 04.xlsx
  • 3.2 Evaluation Template - Fix and Flip for Exercise for 42 Aero - 2020 - 04.xls
  • 3. Evaluation of a Fix and Flip
  • 4.1 Evaluation Template - Lease Options for Exercise - 2020 - 04.xlsx
  • 4.2 Evaluation Template - Lease Options for Workbook - 2020 - 04.xlsx
  • 4.3 Evaluation Template - Lease Options.xlsx
  • 4.4 Lease Agreement - 2020 - 04.doc
  • 4.5 Option to Purchase Agreement - 2020 - 04.doc
  • 4.6 Preliminary Market Assessment - 2020 - 04.doc
  • 4. Evaluation of a Lease Option
  • 5.1 Evaluation Template - Buy, Rent & Hold Workbook.xls
  • 5.2 Evaluation Template - Rental Exercise # 2 - 2020 - 04.xls
  • 5.3 Evaluation Template - Rental Exercise.xlsx
  • 5. Evaluation Of A Buy, Rent And Hold
  • 6.1 Agreement of Purchase and Sale.doc
  • 6.2 Agreement of Purchase and Sale.pdf
  • 6. Agreement of Purchase and Sale - Blank.html
  • 7.1 Sample Investment Proposal.pdf
  • 7. Investment Proposal.html
  • 8. EXTRA VIDEO Investing Is The Step That Makes You An Investor
  • 9. EXTRA VIDEO How To Finalize A Deal Analysis
  • 10. EXTRA VIDEO Dont Let All The Education And Planning Go To Waste
  • 11.1 Canada Mortgage Calculator.xls
  • 11. Canada Mortgage Calculator.html

  • 9. 8.0 Manage How to manage your investment
  • 1. Lesson Objectives.html
  • 2. Module 8.0 - Manage
  • 3.1 Lease Agreement.doc
  • 3.2 PRLM-APDX-RENTER 02 2009 - 2020 - 04.doc
  • 3.3 Property Management Contract - 2020 - 04.doc
  • 3. Buy, Rent and Hold Documents.html
  • 4.1 Lease Agreement - 2020 - 04.doc
  • 4.2 Preferred Buyer Program Agreement - 2020 - 04.doc
  • 4.3 PRLM-APDX-RENTER - 2020 - 04.doc
  • 4.4 PRLM-OPT-Buyer - 2020 - 04.doc
  • 4.5 Property Management Contract - 2020 - 04.doc
  • 4. Lease Option Documents.html
  • 5. EXTRA VIDEO 10 Property Management Mistakes You Never Want to Make
  • 6. Manage Test Your Understanding.html

  • 10. 9.0 Sell What so you do when its time to get rid of your investment
  • 1. INTRO Lesson Objectives.html
  • 2. Module 9.0 - Sell
  • 3. EXTRA VIDEO Should You Work With A Realtor
  • 4. EXTRA VIDEO Sales is About Convincing People to Give You What You Want
  • 5. EXTRA VIDEO You Need Good Sales Tools and Techniques
  • 6. EXTRA VIDEO What is Appreciaton
  • 7. EXTRA VIDEO What is Cashflow
  • 8. Sell Test Your Understanding.html

  • 11. BOOKS
  • 1.1 Aaron Martin Crane - Right and Wrong Thinking and their results.pdf
  • 1.2 Annie Besant - Thought Power.pdf
  • 1.3 Arnold Bennet - The Human Machine.pdf
  • 1.4 Arnold Bennett - How to live on 24 hours a day.pdf
  • 1.5 Blanchard Yorimoto-Tashi - Common Sense.pdf
  • 1.6 Bob Proctor - PurposeVisionGoals.pdf
  • 1.7 Both Riches and Honor - Annie Rix Milton.pdf
  • 1.8 Brown Landone - How to turn your Desires and Ideals into Reality.pdf
  • 1.9 Bruce MacLelland - Prosperity Through Thought.pdf
  • 1.10 Charles Fillmore - Prosper.pdf
  • 1.11 Charles Haanel - Mental Chemistry.pdf
  • 1.12 Charles Haanel - The Master Key System.pdf
  • 1.13 Christain D Larson - Your Forces and How To Use Them.pdf
  • 1.14 Christian D Larson - The Ideal Made Real.pdf
  • 1.15 David Grayson - Adventures.pdf
  • 1.16 David V Bush - Prosperity With Silence.pdf
  • 1.17 Earl Prevette - How to Turn Your Ability into Cash.pdf
  • 1.18 Elbert Hubbard - A message to Garcia.pdf
  • 1.19 Elizabeth Towne - Just How to Wake the Solar Plexus.pdf
  • 1.20 Emerson - Compensation.pdf
  • 1.21 Emerson - Spiritual Laws.pdf
  • 1.22 Emile Coue - Self Mastery.pdf
  • 1.23 Epictetus - Manual.pdf
  • 1.24 Ernest Holmes - Creative Mind.pdf
  • 1.25 Ernest Holmes - The Science of Mind.pdf
  • 1.26 Florence Scovel Shinn - The Game of Life and How to Play It.pdf
  • 1.27 Frank Channing Haddock - Mastery of Self.pdf
  • 1.28 Frank Channing Haddock - Power Of Will.pdf
  • 1.29 Gardner Hunting - Working With God.pdf
  • 1.30 Genevieve Behrend - Attaining Your Desires.pdf
  • 1.31 Genevieve Behrend - Your Invisible Power.pdf
  • 1.32 George S Clason - The Richest Man in Babylon.pdf
  • 1.33 Harry Kahne - The Multiple Mentality Course.pdf
  • 1.34 Henry Drummond - The Greatest Thing in the World.pdf
  • 1.35 Henry Thomas Hamblin - The Life of the Spirit.pdf
  • 1.36 Henry Thomas Hamblin - The Power of Thought.pdf
  • 1.37 Henry Thomas Hamblin - Within You is the Power.pdf
  • 1.38 Horatio Dresser - The Power of Silence.pdf
  • 1.39 James Allen - Above Lifes Turmoil.pdf
  • 2.1 Real Estate Invesing_The Secret to Financial Independence with Real Estate - Paperback V1.0.pdf
  • 2. The Secret to Financial Independence with Real Estate.html
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    حجم: 6548 مگابایت
    مدت زمان: 490 دقیقه
    تاریخ انتشار: 27 دی 1401
    طراحی سایت و خدمات سئو

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