1. Project setup
2.1 angler.zip
2.2 plant_sketch.zip
2.3 plant.zip
2.4 turtle_sketch.zip
2.5 turtle.zip
2. Converting images to code
3. How to use canvas
4. JavaScript classes and particle systems
5. Drawing rectangles
6. Drawing images
7. Drawing particle objects
8. Effect class
9. Code clean-up
10. Multiple randomized particles
11. Draw image method
12. How to center images in canvas
13. Particle motion
14. Pixel analysis
15. Coordinates and colors from pixel data
16. Turning images into particle systems
17. Animated particle transitions
18. Animation on button click
19. Mouse interactions and particle physics
20.1 4fish.zip
20.2 angler2.zip
20.3 spider_sketch.zip
20.4 spider.zip
20. Creating unique animated transitions
21. Particle assemble effect
22. Particle print effect