وب سایت تخصصی شرکت فرین
دسته بندی دوره ها

Applied Control Systems 3: UAV drone (3D Dynamics & control)

سرفصل های دوره

Modeling + state space systems + Model Predictive Control + feedback control + Python simulation: UAV quadcopter drone

1 - Drone architecture from Control Systems point of view
  • 1 - Introduction
  • 2 - UAV configuration inertial VS body frame
  • 3 - Inputs and outputs of a 6 Degree of Freedom UAV drone
  • 4 - Propeller rotation directions 1
  • 5 - Propeller rotation directions 2 Helicopter example
  • 6 - 1st control action Thrust
  • 7 - 2nd control action Roll
  • 8 - 3rd control action Pitch exercise
  • 9 - 3rd control action Pitch solution 4th control action Yaw exercise
  • 10 - 4th control action Yaw solution
  • 11 - Rotation vector direction
  • 12 - Clarification on measuring with respect to body or inertial frames.html
  • 13 - Global view of the drones control architecture
  • 14 - Follow up

  • 2 - Fundamental kinematics & dynamics equations for a 6 DOF system Newton Euler
  • 15 - Kinematics VS Dynamics
  • 16 - Measuring the UAVs position exercise
  • 17 - Measuring the UAVs position solution
  • 18 - Intro to describing attitudes 1 exercise
  • 19 - Intro to describing attitudes 2 solution new exercise
  • 20 - 2D rotation matrix formulation solution new exercise
  • 21 - From 2D to 3D rotations solution new exercise
  • 22 - 3D rotation matrix formulation about the Z axis 1 solution
  • 23 - 3D rotation matrix formulation about the Z axis 2 solution
  • 24 - Projecting from 3D to 2D exercise
  • 25 - Projecting from 3D to 2D solution constructing Rx and Ry matrices exercise
  • 26 - Constructing Ry matrix solution
  • 27 - Constructing Rx matrix solution
  • 28 - Orthonormal matrices exercise
  • 29 - Orthonormal matrices solution
  • 30 - 3D rotation sequence 1 exercise
  • 31 - 3D rotation sequence 2 solution
  • 32 - 3D rotation sequence example exercise
  • 33 - 3D rotation sequence example solution
  • 34 - Intro to Euler angles rotation about moving body frames
  • 35 - Intuition on different conventions
  • 36 - Fixed VS Moving body frame rotations 1 exercise
  • 37 - Fixed VS Moving body frame rotations 2 solution new exercise
  • 38 - Fixed VS Moving body frame rotations 3 solution
  • 39 - Rotation matrix conventions Intro
  • 40 - Rotation matrix conventions RXYZ matrix product
  • 41 - Rotation matrix conventions RZYX matrix product
  • 42 - Rotation matrix conventions RXYX matrix product
  • 43 - Rotation matrix conventions RXYZ vs RZYX example
  • 44 - Rotation matrix conventions RXYZ vs RXYX example
  • 45 - Rotation matrix application to the UAV 1
  • 46 - Rotation matrix application to the UAV 2
  • 47 - Why is a special Transfer matrix needed 1
  • 48 - Why is a special Transfer matrix needed 2
  • 49 - Why is a special Transfer matrix needed 3
  • 50 - Transfer matrix derivation 1 exercise
  • 51 - Transfer matrix derivation 2 solution new exercise
  • 52 - Mathematical derivation of the Rzyx moving frame rotation matrix
  • 53 - Transfer matrix derivation 4 solution
  • 54 - Transfer matrix derivation 5
  • 55 - Rotation & Transfer matrix application 1 Kinematics wrap up
  • 56 - Rotation & Transfer matrix application 2 Kinematics wrap up
  • 57 - Intro to Dynamics
  • 58 - Dot product 1 Application
  • 59 - Dot product 2 Application
  • 60 - Dot product 3 Application exercise
  • 61 - Dot product 4 Application solution
  • 62 - Cross Product 1
  • 63 - Cross Product 2 Exercise
  • 64 - Cross Product 3 Solution
  • 65 - Cross Product Application 1
  • 66 - Cross Product Application 2 exercise
  • 67 - Cross Product Application 2 Solution
  • 68 - Mass moments of inertia & inertia tensor 1
  • 69 - Mass moments of inertia & inertia tensor 2 exercise
  • 70 - Mass moments of inertia & inertia tensor 3 solution
  • 71 - Mathematical formulas of mass moments of inertia
  • 72 - Mathematical formulas of products of inertia
  • 73 - Principal axis
  • 74 - Mass moment of inertia applied to the UAV.html
  • 75 - Dynamics Translational Motion Inertial Frame
  • 76 - Dynamics Translational Motion Body Frame 1
  • 77 - Dynamics Translational Motion Body Frame 2
  • 78 - Dynamics Translational Motion Body Frame 3
  • 79 - Angular momentum VS angular velocity 1
  • 80 - Angular momentum VS angular velocity 2
  • 81 - Dynamics Rotational Motion Inertial frame
  • 82 - Dynamics Rotational Motion Body frame 1
  • 83 - Dynamics Rotational Motion Body frame 2
  • 84 - Autonomous vehicle lateral acceleration through new lenses
  • 85 - Dynamics Rotational Motion Body frame alternative form exercise
  • 86 - Dynamics Rotational Motion Body frame alternative form solution

  • 3 - Specific UAV plant model
  • 87 - From 6 DOF NewtonEuler to statespace exercise
  • 88 - From 6 DOF NewtonEuler to statespace solution
  • 89 - Applying Force of gravity to the UAV exercise
  • 90 - Applying Force of gravity to the UAV solution
  • 91 - Applying control inputs to the UAV exercise
  • 92 - Gyroscopic effect intuition control inputs solution
  • 93 - Gyroscopic effect on a UAV intuition 1 exercise
  • 94 - Gyroscopic effect on a UAV intuition 2 solution
  • 95 - Gyroscopic effect on a UAV Math 1 exercise
  • 96 - Gyroscopic effect on a UAV Math 2 solution
  • 97 - Gyroscopic effect on a UAV Math 3
  • 98 - Gyroscopic effect on a UAV Math 4
  • 99 - From 6 DOF NewtonEuler to statespace Math 1 exercise
  • 100 - From 6 DOF NewtonEuler to statespace Math 2 solution
  • 101 - UAV plant model schematics 1 exercise
  • 102 - UAV plant model schematics 2 solution
  • 103 - Euler state integrator
  • 104 - Runge Kutta integrator 1
  • 105 - Runge Kutta integrator 2
  • 106 - Runge Kutta integrator 3
  • 107 - Runge Kutta integrator 4
  • 108 - Runge Kutta integrator 5
  • 109 - Runge Kutta integrator 6
  • 110 - Runge Kutta integrator 7
  • 111 - Runge Kutta integrator 8
  • 112 - From control inputs to rotor angular velocities blade element theory 1
  • 113 - From control inputs to rotor angular velocities blade element theory 2
  • 114 - From control inputs to rotor angular velocities blade element theory 3
  • 115 - From control inputs to rotor angular velocities blade element theory 4
  • 116 - From control inputs to rotor angular velocities blade element theory 5
  • 117 - From control inputs to rotor angular velocities blade element theory 6
  • 118 - From control inputs to rotor angular velocities blade element theory 7
  • 119 - From control inputs to rotor angular velocities blade element theory 8
  • 120 - From control inputs to rotor angular velocities blade element theory 9
  • 121 - From control inputs to rotor angular velocities blade element theory 10
  • 122 - From control inputs to rotor angular velocities blade element theory 11
  • 123 - From control inputs to rotor angular velocities blade element theory 12
  • 124 - From control inputs to rotor angular velocities blade element theory 13

  • 4 - Recap of Applied Control Systems 1 autonomous cars Math PID MPC
  • 125 - Detailed recap 1 car & bicycle lateral equations of motion
  • 126 - Detailed recap 2 LTI state space equations
  • 127 - Detailed recap 3 continuous VS discrete LTI
  • 128 - Detailed recap 4 system input calculation using Model Predictive Control

  • 5 - The UAVs global control architecture
  • 129 - The global control architecture scheme Intro
  • 130 - The elements of the sequentialcascaded controller
  • 131 - Different tasks of each subcontroller
  • 132 - The Planner
  • 133 - Stronger VS weaker dynamics 1
  • 134 - Stronger VS weaker dynamics 2
  • 135 - Reference trajectory equations in the planner
  • 136 - The affect of the control inputs on future states

  • 6 - The MPC attitude controller
  • 137 - Review of the global control structure
  • 138 - Review of the state space equations of the autonomous vehicle
  • 139 - The UAVs dynamics and kinematics equations revisited
  • 140 - Zero angle roll and pitch assumption 1
  • 141 - Zero angle roll and pitch assumption 2
  • 142 - Putting the state space equations in the Linear format 1
  • 143 - Putting the state space equations in the Linear format 2
  • 144 - Putting the state space equations in the Linear format 3
  • 145 - Putting the state space equations in the Linear format 4
  • 146 - Linear Parameter Varying form 1
  • 147 - Linear Parameter Varying form 2
  • 148 - Review of the steps from the equations of motion to the plant
  • 149 - The dimensions of the state space equation matrices
  • 150 - Future state prediction formula 1 simplified LPVMPC
  • 151 - Future state prediction formula 2 simplified LPVMPC
  • 152 - Future state prediction formula 3 nonsimplified LPVMPC
  • 153 - Future state prediction formula 4 nonsimplified LPVMPC
  • 154 - Future state prediction formula 5 nonsimplified LPVMPC
  • 155 - Cost function 1
  • 156 - Cost function 2
  • 157 - Cost function 3
  • 158 - Cost function 4
  • 159 - Cost function 5
  • 160 - Cost function 6
  • 161 - Cost function 7
  • 162 - Cost function 8
  • 163 - Cost function 9
  • 164 - Cost function 10
  • 165 - Cost function 11

  • 7 - Feedback Linearization Controller
  • 166 - Equations of motion for position control inertial frame exercise
  • 167 - Equations of motion for position control inertial frame solution
  • 168 - General feedback control architecture
  • 169 - Feedback Linearization Controller schematics Part 1
  • 170 - Differential Equations intro
  • 171 - Differential Equations & the control law
  • 172 - Solving differential equations real roots 1
  • 173 - Solving differential equations real roots 2
  • 174 - Solving differential equations real roots 3
  • 175 - Solving differential equations complex roots 1
  • 176 - Solving differential equations complex roots 2
  • 177 - Solving differential equations complex roots 3
  • 178 - Solving differential equations complex roots 4
  • 179 - Using the exponent for controlling a system exercise
  • 180 - Using the exponent for controlling a system solution
  • 181 - Poles & Laplace domain
  • 182 - From poles to differential equation constants exercise
  • 183 - From poles to differential equation constants solution
  • 184 - From differential equations to statespace representation
  • 185 - Eigenvalues in control engineering & Determinants
  • 186 - Computing eigenvectors
  • 187 - Laplace VS Fourier frequency domain
  • 188 - Moving poles
  • 189 - Feedback Linearization Controller schematics Part 2
  • 190 - Simulation results with real & complex poles 1
  • 191 - Simulation results with real & complex poles 2
  • 192 - Simulation results with real & complex poles 3
  • 193 - Feedback Linearization Controller schematics Part 3
  • 194 - Final Stretch computing the final control inputs Part 1
  • 195 - Final Stretch computing the final control inputs Part 2
  • 196 - Recommended reading Great article about Kalman Filters.html

  • 8 - The simulation code explanation
  • 197 - Intro to Linux & macOS Terminal & Windows Command Prompt
  • 198 - Python installation instructions
  • 199 - Python installation instructions Windows 10
  • 200 - Python installation instructions Ubuntu
  • 201 - Python installation instructions macOS
  • 202 - Simulation analysis & code explanation 1
  • 203 - Simulation analysis & code explanation 2
  • 204 - Simulation analysis & code explanation 3
  • 205 - Simulation analysis & code explanation 4
  • 206 - Simulation analysis & code explanation 5
  • 207 - Simulation analysis & code explanation 6
  • 208 - Simulation analysis & code explanation 7
  • 209 - Simulation analysis & code explanation 8
  • 210 - Simulation analysis & code explanation 9
  • 211 - Simulation analysis & code explanation 10
  • 212 - Simulation analysis & code explanation 11
  • 213 - Simulation analysis & code explanation 12
  • 214 - Simulation analysis & code explanation 13
  • 215 - Simulation analysis & code explanation 14
  • 216 - Simulation analysis & code explanation 15
  • 217 - Basic intro to Python animations tools
  • 218 - Final-Thesis.pdf
  • 218 - MATLAB-version-All-files.zip
  • 218 - Simulation codes & course summary document.html
  • 218 - main-lpv-mpc-drone.zip
  • 218 - modified-pages.pdf
  • 218 - support-files-drone.zip

  • 9 - Extra MPC constraints applied to the UAV
  • 219 - Recap of MPC constraints in autonomous cars 1
  • 220 - Recap of MPC constraints in autonomous cars 2
  • 221 - Recap of MPC constraints in autonomous cars 3
  • 222 - Recap of MPC constraints in autonomous cars 4
  • 223 - Recap of MPC constraints in autonomous cars 5
  • 224 - Application of MPC constraints to UAV drone 1
  • 225 - Application of MPC constraints to UAV drone 2
  • 226 - Application of MPC constraints to UAV drone 3
  • 227 - Application of MPC constraints to UAV drone 4
  • 228 - Application of MPC constraints to UAV drone 5
  • 229 - No solution example autonomous cars 1
  • 230 - No solution example autonomous cars 2
  • 231 - Installation of solver libraries Intro
  • 232 - Installation of solver libraries Windows 10
  • 233 - Installation of solver libraries Ubuntu
  • 234 - Installation of solver libraries MacOS
  • 235 - MATLAB-version-All-files.zip
  • 235 - UAV drone Python files WITH MPC constraints.html
  • 235 - main-lpv-mpc-drone-constraints.zip
  • 235 - support-files-drone-constraints.zip
  • 236 - MPC constraints for UAV drone code explanation 1
  • 237 - MPC constraints for UAV drone code explanation 2
  • 238 - MPC constraints for UAV drone code explanation 3
  • 239 - MPC constraints for UAV drone analysis of simulation results

  • 10 - Last Words
  • 240 - Thank You
  • 241 - Well done Youve done it But dont stop here Keep going forward.html
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    ایمیل شما:
    تولید کننده:
    شناسه: 1221
    حجم: 11219 مگابایت
    مدت زمان: 1638 دقیقه
    تاریخ انتشار: 26 دی 1401
    طراحی سایت و خدمات سئو

    67,300 تومان
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