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React.js 101 Bootcamp: Your Syntax To Success

سرفصل های دوره

Learn React.js through a series of practical exercises, examples and deploy your own app online.

1. Course Introduction
  • 1. Welcome Aboard!
  • 2.1 NODE.JS Link.html
  • 2.2 VSCode Link.html
  • 2. Setting Up Your Development Environment
  • 3. Installation Errors Troubleshooting
  • 4. Transition Phase To React.js Environment
  • 5. Coding Challenge Solution

  • 2. JavaScript [Review Material]
  • 1. Syntax Variations of JavaScript Functions
  • 2. Map Method
  • 3. Object Destructuring
  • 4. Rest Parameter
  • 5. Spread Operator
  • 6. Method Chaining
  • 7. API Prerequisite Fetching Data From A Textfile
  • 8.1 Star Wars API Official Site.html
  • 8. API Working with JSON Format Online
  • 9. API Integrating Bootstrap In Your Existing App That Uses API
  • 10.1 RoboHash Official Site.html
  • 10. API Extracting Images From API Source
  • 11.1 Official Site of DictionaryAPI.html
  • 11. API Create a Dictionary App
  • 12. API Adding Record To A Database
  • 13. API Display Existing Data From A Database

  • 3. Getting Started with React.js
  • 1. Creating Our React.js Application
  • 2. Creating A Component
  • 3. React.js Props Part 1
  • 4. React.js Props Part 2

  • 4. UseState, Pages, Links and Live Search Functionality
  • 1. The useState in React
  • 2. Pages and Links
  • 3. Rendering Dynamic From An Array of Objects with .map JS Method
  • 4. Incorporating Your Own Customize CSS in React
  • 5. Dynamically Populating Data On A Table
  • 6. Using useState to Create A Live Search Functionality

  • 5. The Core Features of Information Systems - CRUD Create, Read, Update, Delete
  • 1. Establishing The Use of Proper React Terminologies
  • 2.1 React Bootstrap Official Site.html
  • 2. Installing React Bootstrap
  • 3. React Bootstrap Table Component and Upgrading Search Functionality
  • 4. React Bootstrap Container, Col, Row, Navbar, Form, and Grid Components
  • 5. Familiarizing More About How useState Works
  • 6. Delete Functionality Using onClick Prop, useState, Anonymous & Arrow Function
  • 7. Create Record Functionality
  • 8. Create Edit Data Functionality
  • 9. Create Update Data Functionality
  • 10. SPA The Single Page Application Implementation

  • 6. React Hooks
  • 1. Programming Concept Side Effects
  • 2. React Hooks The useEffect
  • 3. React Hooks The useEffect
  • 4. React Hooks The useRef And Its Implementation with useEffect and useState
  • 5. React Hooks Creating A Simple Timer With useEffect plus Coding Challenge
  • 6. Coding Challenge Solution
  • Files.zip

  • 7. Lets Build An App Image Gallery
  • 1.1 react js gallery images.zip
  • 1.2 react-image-gallery.html
  • 1. React Image Gallery Part 1
  • 2. React Image Gallery Part 2
  • 3. React Image Gallery Part 3
  • 4. React Image Gallery Part 4

  • 8. Lets Build An App Our Life In Weeks
  • 1. Project Preperation & Introduction
  • 2.3 our life in weeks (3).7z
  • 2. Reusing Existing Assets
  • 3. Coding The App Functionality With React.js
  • 4. Coding The App Functionality
  • 5. Completing Core Functionalities and Improving Usages Feedback or Alerts
  • 6. Implementing Regular Expressions
  • Files.zip

  • 9. Regular Expressions [Supplementary Material]
  • 1. Introduction to Regular Expression
  • 2. Understanding Syntax, Anchors, Boundaries and String Validation
  • 3. Specifying Number of Occurences
  • 4. Setting a Range for Occurences
  • 5. Unlimited Occurences and Global Flag
  • Files.zip

  • 10. Lets Build An App Strong Password Generator
  • 1. Optional [JavaScript Review on Math.Floor and Math.random Implementation]
  • 2. App Development Strong Password Generator Part 1
  • 3. App Development Strong Password Generator Part 2
  • 4. App Development Strong Password Generator Part 3
  • Files.zip

  • 11. Lets Build An App Cyberpunk Themed Quiz App
  • 1. App Development Cyberpunk Themed Quiz App Part 1
  • 2. App Development Cyberpunk Themed Quiz App Part 2
  • 3. App Development Cyberpunk Themed Quiz App Part 3
  • 4. App Development Cyberpunk Themed Quiz App Part 4
  • Files.zip

  • 12. ReactJS Deployment Deploying Web Projects to Github
  • 1. Signing Up to Github and Installing Git Version Control
  • 2. From App Development To Deployment Complete Process in React.js
  • 3. Deploying an Existing React.js App
  • 4. Updating Or Redeploying A Live Project in React
  • Files.zip

  • 13. React.js and Database
  • 1. Preparing For Firebase Database
  • 2. Adding Record To A Database
  • 3. Displaying Record To A Database
  • 4. Finalizing Our React.js Firebase App
  • Files.zip

  • 14. Lets Build An App The InfoCapture App
  • 1. Back story and Creating the UI
  • 2. Finalizing the InfoCapture App User Interface
  • 3. Backing Up The Current State of The App To Github and Preparing Database
  • 4. Fetching Record From Database and Displaying it on the Page
  • 5. Database Record Operation Retreiving and Displaying Data
  • 6. Database Record Operation Deleting Data
  • 7. Database Record Operation Edit
  • 8. Database Record Operation Update
  • 9. Creating Backup In A New Branch and Adding Message Notification
  • Files.zip

  • 15. Conclusion
  • 1. Congratulations!
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    ایمیل شما:
    تولید کننده:
    شناسه: 37852
    حجم: 9359 مگابایت
    مدت زمان: 869 دقیقه
    تاریخ انتشار: 6 تیر 1403
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