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NEW Complete Laravel for Beginners to Mastery Bootcamp

سرفصل های دوره

Create modern web applications with Laravel / PHP Framework and Vue.js, Tailwind CSS, Bootstrap from scratch FAST & easy

1. Windows - Local Environment Setup
  • 1. Downloading and Installing PHP for Windows
  • 2. Laravel installation in WIndows

  • 2. MAC OS - Local Environment Setup
  • 1. Downloading and Installing PHP for MAC OS
  • 2. Laravel installation in MAC OS

  • 3. Routes
  • 1. Creating a basic route
  • 2. Syntax examples of routes
  • 3. Dependency injection and redirects
  • 4. View method and artisan route list
  • 5. Route parameters
  • 6. Optional route parameters
  • 7. Route regulars expressions - part 1
  • 8. Route regulars expressions - part 2 - more complex expresions
  • 9. Route regulars expressions - part 3 - Multiple values
  • 10. Route regulars expressions - part 4 - Constraint methods
  • 11. Named routes

  • 4. Middlewares
  • 1. Creating a Middleware
  • 2. Using a Middleware
  • 3. Alliases
  • 4. Global registration

  • 5. CSRF Security
  • 1. CSRF Intro
  • 2. Blade CSRF directive
  • 3. CSRF methods
  • 4. Using Laravel CSRF tokens with JS AJAX - part 1 - jQuery install
  • 5. Using Laravel CSRF tokens with JS AJAX - part 2 - pulling values from meta
  • 6. Using Laravel CSRF tokens with JS AJAX - part 3 - submitting post request easily
  • 7. Using Laravel CSRF tokens with JS AJAX - part 4 - using jQuery AJAX object
  • 8. Using the JS AXIOS library to submit AJAX requests the EASY way

  • 6. Controllers
  • 1. Creating a controller manually
  • 2. Creating a controller with artisan
  • 3. Controller Middlewares
  • 4. Creating a resource controller
  • 5. Creating a resource Controller - part 2 - Store method
  • 6. Creating a resource Controller - part 3 - Show method
  • 7. Creating a resource Controller - part 4 - Edit method
  • 8. Creating a resource Controller - part 5 - Update method
  • 9. Creating a resource Controller - part 6 - Destroy method
  • 10. Organizing multiple resource controllers
  • 11. Partial resource routes
  • 12. API resource routes
  • 13. Changing resource route names
  • 14. Naming resource routes parameters
  • 15. Adjusting Resource URIs to your language of choice
  • 16. Supplementing resources with additional methods

  • 7. Requests
  • 1. Accessing the request
  • 2. Dependency injection and parameters
  • 3. Request methods, Path, Host, IP and more
  • 4. Inspecting some extra useful methods

  • 8. Requests - Inputs
  • 1. Getting all input data
  • 2. Using the collect method
  • 3. Using the input method
  • 4. Placing default values on data returned
  • 5. Retrieving dates as objects and using dynamic properties
  • 6. The only and except methods
  • 7. Checking data with the has method
  • 8. Checking for input data missing keys
  • 9. Supplementing inputs with more data

  • 9. Requests - Inputs - FLASH
  • 1. Flashing data intro
  • 2. Redirecting with flash data
  • 3. Some more redirects and cookie retrieving

  • 10. Responses - headers - Cookies
  • 1. Sending a response with a header
  • 2. Attaching multiple headers to a response
  • 3. Using Laravel cache middleware for Cache control
  • 4. Attaching cookies to a response
  • 5. Removing cookies

  • 11. Responses - Redirection
  • 1. Redirecting with and without parameters
  • 2. Redirecting controller actions
  • 3. Redirecting to external domains
  • 4. Redirecting with flashed data
  • 5. Returning and consuming JSON data

  • 1. Creating basic views
  • 2. Nesting
  • 3. Passing data
  • 4. Sharing data
  • 5. Creating a Service provider
  • 6. Creating a View Composer the easy way
  • 7. Creating a more complex View Composer
  • 8. Optimizing your Views for speed

  • 13. Blade - Directives
  • 1. Blade fundamentals
  • 2. Escaping for JS
  • 3. If statements
  • 4. Switch statements
  • 5. Loops
  • 6. Continue and Break
  • 7. Loops variable
  • 8. Conditional classes
  • 9. Conditional styles
  • 10. The Blade include directive
  • 11. Including with conditions
  • 12. Combining loops and variables iteration in one line with each

  • 14. Blade - Components
  • 1. Lets create a Blade master layout
  • 2. Anonymous Component
  • 3. Class Based Component
  • 4. Passing data to class based Components
  • 5. Passing data to anonymous Components part 1
  • 6. Passing data to anonymous Components part 2 - Dynamic data
  • 7. Passing data to anonymous Components part 3 - Props
  • 8. Accessing parent variables
  • 9. Lets create a class for an Anonymous Component part 1
  • 10. Lets create a class for an Anonymous Component part 2
  • 11. Lets create a class for an Anonymous Component part 3
  • 12. The attributes variable
  • 13. One more example of the attributes variable
  • 14. Component Methods
  • 15. Modal mini project part 1 - CSS
  • 16. Modal mini project part 2- Routes and CSS styling
  • 17. Modal mini project part 3 - Slots
  • 18. Modal mini project part 4 - Color property
  • 19. Viewing component data from within the class itself
  • 20. Modal mini project part 5 - Lets finish
  • 21. Inline Component Views for small components
  • 22. Dynamic component rendering

  • 15. Sessions
  • 1. Intro
  • 2. Adding and retrieving sessions
  • 3. Creating a web route, controller and index method for sessions
  • 4. Lets create some methods so we can play with sessions
  • 5. Controller methods for setting values on sessions
  • 6. More methods for retrieving and setting data into sessions
  • 7. Storing arrays in sessions and pushing values into them
  • 8. Deleting from arrays in sessions
  • 9. Deleting session data by creating a collection

  • 16. Form - Validation
  • 1. Creating a form
  • 2. Creating a web route and resource Controller
  • 3. Introducing the errors array
  • 4. Error directive and CSS classes
  • 5. Completing the body input with validation
  • 6. Repopulating the form with flashed input data
  • 7. Validation Exception and JSON responses
  • 8. Form Requests
  • 9. Customizing Form requests rule messages
  • 10. Creating Validation manually with Validator
  • 11. Customizing rules messages in Validator

  • 17. Database - SQL queries
  • 1. Connecting to a SQLITE Database
  • 2. Connecting to a MariaDBMYSQL Database
  • 3. PHPStorm - Data source for SQLITE databases
  • 4. PHPStorm - Data source for MariaDBMySQL databases
  • 5. VS CODE - Installing DB plugin for SQLITE
  • 6. VS CODE - install extension for MySQLMariaDB databases
  • 7. CRUD - inserting data using SQL queries
  • 8. CRUD - reading data using SQL queries
  • 9. CRUD - updating data using SQL queries
  • 10. CRUD - Deleting data using SQL queries
  • 11. SQL commands for the DB CLI
  • 12. Migrate commands
  • 13. SQlite foreign key options

  • 18. Database - Query Builder
  • 1. CRUD - Creating data
  • 2. CRUD - Reading and Updating data
  • 3. CRUD - Deleting data
  • 4.1 users.zip
  • 4. Creating dummy dummy data from JSON file
  • 5. Updating our Dummy data

  • 19. Database - Query Builder - Small Project
  • 1. Creating layouts - part 1 - styling framework and users view
  • 2. Displaying users from - part 2
  • 3. Displaying individual user - part 3
  • 4. Updating our user - part 4 - starting validation form
  • 5. Updating our user - part 5 - finishing validation form
  • 6. Updating our user - part 6 - name and email validation rules
  • 7. Updating our user - part 7 - advanced password validation rules
  • 8. Updating our user - part 8 - Regular expressions
  • 9. Updating our user - part 8 - Finally updating and time fix
  • 10. Creating a user part 1 - forms and method
  • 11. Creating our user - part 2 - creating the user
  • 12. Creating our user - part 3 - adding additional data to request
  • 13. Adding a navigation to our project
  • 14. Finishing navigation and adding a footer
  • 15. Deleting a user
  • 16.1 create dymmy users.zip
  • 16. Creating a custom method to add many users from a JSON file
  • 17. Deleting and truncating custom methods
  • 18. Using advanced select DB queries
  • 19. Advanced fake data creation
  • 20. Learning about offset and cursor Pagination
  • 21. Learning to customize pagination links part 1
  • 22. Learning to customize pagination links part 2 - end

  • 20. Database - Migrations - Seeding
  • 1. Intro
  • 2. Creating a new table and migration execution
  • 3. Adding a column and migrating
  • 4. Adding a column with another migration
  • 5. Dropping columns
  • 6. Column ordering
  • 7. Stepping and batching
  • 8. Column existence and dropping logic
  • 9. Connecting to other databases and creating tables
  • 10. Connecting to other databases and updating tables
  • 11. Connecting to other databases and renaming tables
  • 12. Modifying Columns after creation
  • 13. Renaming columns
  • 14. Creating indexes
  • 15. Seeding part 1 - users
  • 16. Seeding part 2 - creating
  • 17. Seeding part 3 - Factories

  • 21. Database - Eloquent - ORM
  • 1. Intro and migrating
  • 2. CRUD - creating using ORM
  • 3. CRUD - reading - Instance Models
  • 4. CRUD - reading - Collections
  • 5. CRUD - updating and deleting
  • 6. Instance - Builders - Collections - (Important)

  • 22. Database - ORM - Custom Everything Laravel
  • 1. Creating classes with custom names part 1
  • 2. Creating classes with custom names part 2
  • 3. Creating classes with custom names part 3
  • 4. Seeding using Laravel default naming conventions

  • 23. Database - ORM - Relationships - One to One Has one
  • 1. Installing a Laravel debug assistant tool
  • 2. migration
  • 3. seeding
  • 4. Defining a has one relation
  • 5. Defining and using a has one inverse relation
  • 6. Creating and updating a has one relation
  • 7. has one deleting
  • 8. Cleaning up part 1
  • 9. Cleaning up part 2 - done

  • 24. Database - ORM - Relationships - One to Many
  • 1. CRUD - Reading
  • 2. Creating and updating
  • 3. Deleting

  • 25. Database - ORM - Relationships - BelongsTo
  • 1. Reading, associating and saving
  • 2. Saving models on this relationship
  • 3. Saving all related relations at once
  • 4. Updating and deleting

  • 26. Database - ORM - Relationships - Has One and Many Through
  • 1. Reading
  • 2. Updating and deleting
  • 3. Creating or Updating
  • 4. Updating with the save method
  • 5. Deep nesting
  • 6. Has Many Through - Entire CRUD one lecture

  • 27. Database - ORM - Relationships - Many to Many
  • 1. Creating tables
  • 2. Attaching roles
  • 3. Detaching, creating sync and more
  • 4. Deleting and updating
  • 5. Updating parent models timestamps through children relations

  • 28. Database - ORM - Relationships - Polymorphic - One to One
  • 1. Creating new migration
  • 2. Setting up relationships
  • 3. Seeding
  • 4. Creating and turning off mass assignment feature globally
  • 5. The CRUD in one go
  • 6. Accessing the owner

  • 29. DB -ORM - Relationship - Polymorphic - One to Many Many to Many
  • 1. Reading
  • 2. Latest of many and oldest of many
  • 3. Migrations
  • 4. Defining inverse and creating
  • 5. Turning on hidden timestamps on this relationship

  • 30. Project - Task List - Authentication - login - Accessors Mutators Policies
  • 1. Database migrations
  • 2. Authentication part 1 - setting it up
  • 3. Authentication part 2 - everything that was created
  • 4. Authentication part 3 - creating auth routes
  • 5. Creating form for validation part 1
  • 6. Creating form for validation part 2
  • 7. Creating tasks
  • 8. Displaying data part 1
  • 9. Displaying data part 2
  • 10. Deleting data
  • 11. Deleting with policies
  • 12. Lets integrate components part 1
  • 13. Lets integrate components part 2 - delete button
  • 14. Custom user registration - (Important)
  • 15. Accessors - two ways
  • 16. Mutators - two ways

  • 31. Project - Dashboard - Eager Loading and Theme installation
  • 1.1 sb-admin-bootstrap.zip
  • 1. Intro and resources download
  • 2. Laravel install and auth
  • 3. Blade yielding and routes
  • 4. JS and CSS imports
  • 5. Including Sidebar in partials
  • 6. Lets use datatable part 1
  • 7. Lets use datatable part 2 - Setting up data for it
  • 8. Lets use datatable part 3 - Displaying some data
  • 9. Lets use datatable part 4 - Displaying thousands of records (SLOW)
  • 10. Lets use datatable part 5 - Displaying thousands of records (FAST)
  • 11. Eager loading full explanation
  • 12. Laravel Redirect Issue addressed

  • 32. Project - Front Blog
  • 1.1 bootstrap-clean-blog-master-template.zip
  • 1. Home layout
  • 2. Linking CSS
  • 3. Linking JS and displaying posts part 1
  • 4. Displaying posts part 2
  • 5. Pagination
  • 6. Individual Post
  • 7. Route model binding
  • 8. Creating more views and nav links
  • 9. Custom logout
  • 10. Masthead feature part 1 - Service providers
  • 11. Masthead feature part 2 - View composers
  • 12. Masthead feature part 3 - Done
  • 13. Pretty URLs (Slug) part 1
  • 14. Pretty URLs (Slug) part 2
  • 15. Controller for home route
  • 16. Creating a nav partial and session lifetime settings

  • 33. Project - Front Blog - Custom Authentication
  • 1. Login manually
  • 2. Setting up email sending for password reset
  • 3. Login form part 1
  • 4. Login form part 2 - custom routes
  • 5. Login form part 3 - validation
  • 6. Password recovery form part 1
  • 7. Password recovery form part 2
  • 8. Sending email link
  • 9. Password reset part 1
  • 10. Password reset part 2 - override email link
  • 11. Password reset part 3 - validating
  • 12. Password reset part 4 - updating password logic
  • 13. Password reset part 5 - reseting - everything working
  • 14. Custom registration part 1
  • 15. Custom registration part 2
  • 16. Custom registration part 3 - validation
  • 17. Custom registration part 4 - dynamic property creation
  • 18. Custom username
  • 19. Updating route links for the forms
  • 20. Redirecting when authenticated

  • 34. Starter kit - Livewire
  • 1. Intro
  • 2. Alpine
  • 3. Livewire
  • 4. Seeding and migration
  • 5. Displaying posts part 1 - creating posts component
  • 6. Displaying posts part 2 - creating the html
  • 7. Displaying posts part 3 - continued work on the html
  • 8. Displaying posts part 3 - displaying posts from DB
  • 9. Creating a delete button
  • 10. Deleting a post with livewire
  • 11. Working on the create form part 1
  • 12. Working on the create form part 2
  • 13. Tailwind CSS working on page columns
  • 14. Cleaning up
  • 15. Validation and pagination
  • 16. Livewire Events
  • 17. Deleting confirmations and policies
  • 18. Updating - edit property and toggle part 1
  • 19. Updating - form input styles
  • 20. Updating - binding input values
  • 21. Updating - complete
  • 22. Different ways to delete a post
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