وب سایت تخصصی شرکت فرین
دسته بندی دوره ها

Build your Own Self Driving Car| [Course 1 & Course 2]

سرفصل های دوره

Learn Raspberry Pi 3, Arduino UNO, Image Processing and Neural Networks (Machine Learning) for any Embedded IOT Project

1 - Introduction
  • 1 - Course Curriculum
  • 2 - Detailed Working

  • 2 - Build Hardware for Self Driving Car
  • 3 - 16gb sd card.zip
  • 3 - 10000mah power bank.zip
  • 3 - Hardware Requirements hardware Link is provided in Resource Section
  • 3 - Raspberry Pi 3 B Alternative Link.txt
  • 3 - arduino uno.zip
  • 3 - camera csi cable 12.zip
  • 3 - l298 h bridge.zip
  • 3 - micro usb cable.zip
  • 3 - raspberry pi 3 b.zip
  • 3 - raspberry pi camera.zip
  • 3 - raspberry pi clear case.zip
  • 3 - robo car chassis.zip
  • 3 - usb cables for power bank.zip
  • 4 - Assemble Hardware Parts Robot Chassis
  • 5 - How To Build Track for Testing

  • 3 - Slave Device Setup Arduino UNO
  • 6 - Forward & Backward Functions for Motors
  • 6 - Forward-Backward.zip
  • 7 - Left & Right Functions for Motors
  • 7 - Left-Right.zip

  • 4 - Master Device Setup Raspberry PI 3 B
  • 8 - How to Flash Raspbian OS on Raspberry Pi 3 B
  • 9 - Raspbian Buster Fix
  • 10 - Connect Raspberry PI to Personal Computer through Ethernet
  • 11 - Connect Raspberry PI to Personal Computer through WiFi
  • 12 - Connect Raspberry PI to Personal Computer through VNC Viewer

  • 5 - Install OpenCV4 on Raspberry PI 3 B
  • 13 - Introduction to OpenCV
  • 14 - Remove Unnecessary Software from Raspberry PI
  • 14 - commands.zip
  • 15 - Clone OpenCV from GitHub
  • 15 - commands.zip
  • 16 - Build OpenCV on Raspberry PI with CMake
  • 16 - commands.zip
  • 17 - Setting Up Libraries in Programming Editor
  • 17 - commands.zip
  • 17 - pkgconfig.zip
  • 17 - try my sd card backup see details in announcement section.zip
  • 18 - Test First Program In Geany Programming Editor
  • 18 - try my sd card backup see details in announcement section.zip

  • 6 - Camera Setup for Raspberry PI
  • 20 - Install Raspicam & Wiring PI Libraries on Raspberry PI
  • 21 - Mount Camera on Robot Car Chassis
  • 22 - Backup of SD Card

  • 7 - C Code to Capture Images & Videos
  • 23 - How to Initialize Camera
  • 23 - camera-code.zip
  • 24 - C Code to Capture Images
  • 24 - camera-code.zip
  • 25 - C Code to Capture Video
  • 25 - camera-code.zip
  • 26 - calculate FPS Frames Per Second
  • 26 - camera-code.zip

  • 8 - Image Processing Using OpenCV4 & C
  • 27 - Convert Image Signature
  • 27 - c-code.zip
  • 28 - Create Region Of Interest
  • 29 - Perspective Transformation Bird Eye View
  • 30 - Threshold Operations
  • 31 - Canny Edge Detection
  • 32 - Troubleshoot Hardware & Software
  • 32 - troubleshoot.zip
  • 33 - How to Find Lanes from Track
  • 34 - Histogram and Vectors
  • 35 - Iterators and Pointers
  • 36 - CALIBRATION.zip
  • 36 - Calibration
  • 37 - Final Step
  • 37 - result.zip

  • 9 - Master & Slave Device Communication
  • 38 - Raspberry PI Digital Pins
  • 38 - raspberry-pi-digital-pins.zip
  • 39 - Wiring Pi Library Fix download latest command list in resource
  • 39 - wiring-pi-commands.zip
  • 40 - Slave Device Arduino Uno Programming
  • 40 - arduino-code.zip
  • 41 - Testing
  • 42 - Smooth Performance Tweek

  • 10 - Final Testing & Features Image Processing
  • 43 - Testing on Large Track
  • 43 - final-code.zip
  • 44 - Lane End & UTurn Implementation Main Device
  • 44 - final-code.zip
  • 45 - Arduino-uturn-code.zip
  • 45 - Lane End & UTurn Implementation Slave Device

  • 11 - Introduction to Machine Learning
  • 46 - Basic Steps & Terminologies

  • 12 - Stop Sign Neural Network Training
  • 47 - Creating Stop sign
  • 48 - C code to Capture & Save Images
  • 48 - Sample.zip
  • 49 - Capturing Positive Samples for Stop sign
  • 50 - Capturing Negative Samples
  • 51 - Cascade Training Software and Image Cropping
  • 51 - cascade trainer gui.zip
  • 52 - Stop-cascade.zip
  • 52 - Training of Haar Cascade Model for Stop Sign

  • 13 - Stop Sign Detection on Raspberry Pi3
  • 53 - 01.load-xml-file.cpp.zip
  • 53 - Load xml file in C Code
  • 53 - Stop-cascade.zip
  • 54 - 02.C-Code-for-Stop-sign.cpp.zip
  • 54 - Writing Image Classifier Program in C
  • 55 - 03.stop-sign-detection-testing.cpp.zip
  • 55 - Stop Sign Detection Testing
  • 56 - 04.creating-linear-equations.cpp.zip
  • 56 - Create Linear Equations to Calculate Distance
  • 57 - 05.distance-testing.cpp.zip
  • 57 - Solve Linear Equations & Distance Testing

  • 14 - Stop Sign Detection Testing
  • 58 - Code.zip
  • 58 - C Programming in Raspberry Pi
  • 59 - C Programming in Arduino UNO
  • 59 - arduino-code.zip
  • 60 - Final Testing Stop Sign

  • 15 - Obstacle Neural Network Training
  • 61 - Positive Sample for Object
  • 61 - Sample.zip
  • 62 - Extracting Positive samples for Object
  • 63 - Cascade Training for Object Detection

  • 16 - Obstacle Detection on Raspberry Pi3
  • 64 - 01.code.cpp.zip
  • 64 - C Code to Detect Object
  • 65 - 02.code.cpp.zip
  • 65 - Create Linear Equations to Calculate Distance for Object
  • 66 - 03.code.cpp.zip
  • 66 - Solve Linear Equations & Distance Testing for object

  • 17 - Obstacle Detection Testing
  • 67 - 04.Arduino-Code.ino.zip
  • 67 - Arduino Programming
  • 68 - 05.arduino-code.ino.zip
  • 68 - Lane Change Operation at object Detection
  • 69 - Final Testing Object

  • 18 - Traffic Light Training
  • 70 - Traffic Light Model
  • 71 - Positive Sample for Red Light
  • 72 - Negative Sample for Red Light
  • 73 - Training Data
  • 74 - Cascade Model for Red Light

  • 19 - Traffic Light Detection
  • 75 - 01.code.cpp.zip
  • 75 - Load xml file in C Code
  • 76 - Linear Equations With Calibration
  • 77 - Finding Actual Distance

  • 20 - Traffic Light Testing
  • 78 - Arduino Programming & Final Testing
  • 78 - Arduino-Program.zip

  • 21 - LED Dynamic Turn Signal Indicator
  • 79 - Schematic.pdf
  • 79 - Schematic Diagram
  • 79 - led-indicator1.zip
  • 80 - Clock Circuit Build
  • 81 - Indicator Circuit Build
  • 82 - C Code to Control the indicators
  • 67,300 تومان
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    ایمیل شما:
    تولید کننده:
    شناسه: 2583
    حجم: 5354 مگابایت
    مدت زمان: 482 دقیقه
    تاریخ انتشار: 28 دی 1401
    طراحی سایت و خدمات سئو

    67,300 تومان
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